Heart Attack at age 37 ?

Glad to hear your OK.:):)..Hopefully its just an "Glitch" and won't ever happen again.... as for the "bill" next time claim to be an illegal... everything will be free:D:D
Glad to hear you're still in the land of the living. Hope you have at least another 45 years to go.

Just curious, are you well insured with that big family?
Glad everything seems to be going well.

I skipped the gym today and just finished my third BK double cheeseburger. hummmm, maybe I should have read this first.
Moosie, I had the same type of thing happen a few times over the past and it was dismissed. Finally one of the cardiologists checked me and did a Cat scan and found a 85% blockage of my LAD- commonly known as a "Widow Maker". My blood work was perfect every time that it was drawn and always scored in the 95 percentile on the stress tests too. Had this Cardiologist not had a suspicion, i would not be here today.

The only sure way to know is to have a heart cath procedure, but would recommend that you go somewhere that specializes in cardio and get checked out. Not anything you should mess around with!
Dude !!!!!
I keep reading this post and thinking of smartazz things to say, but I’m glad your OK.

Are you sure this wasn’t an excuse to take your cloths off in front of a nurse ?
Quit drinking milk and you'll feel better... ;)

Glad to hear your doing fine. Take care of yourself. Can you imagine what I have wrong with me???
Acon, I'm with you. I have so many funny things to say but I'd be here all day :D It's OK, even if I died I'd expect a few jokes. If not, I'd come back and haunt you :p Funny you say that about taking the shirt off. When I got there they told me to take my shirt off. I kept asking if I should take my pants off too and I think they started wondering what my obsession was to be nekid. They didn't know I was anxious to post pictures for my hunting buds ;)

Highmountain, Good to hear about the wife. You know if she ever needs a Breast check I'd be willing to help you out as a good friend. *smile*

Schmalts, they said my max rate shound be 180. Target 156. I think on the test I got close to 200 before I told them I was done. They did the 3 mins at a slow walk, 3 mins and a faster walk, 3 at a almost jogging/running. With that they start at a 3% grade and work up, I was at a run on the treadmill and a 18% grade I think. I didn't last long. I really need to work on my hills !!!!

T-Bone. I have insurance with my new work. So I'm not to worried. Heck, I can always lump it in with a BK and wipe the debt out right ? Have to love this System. I joke about it but it will work out.

Choc Dog, Thanks for looking at my boobs and telling me the size. I wasn't sure what they classified as ;)

Jose, When I get my Bill I'll let yo know what it is. I haven't been following the Healthcare deal so not sure if it will help or hinder the topic, but I'll get it over there as they start coming in.

...So they say it could be Ulcers or Gal Bladder or stress or other things. I'm going to get the other things checked out. I don't stress out about too much. Lifes to short to worry bout stuff.
Glad you're doing better Moosie. I'm the same age as you and that stuff freaks me out. Your family needs you here and healthy. Good luck.
Looking at those pics it looks like you have shaved your arms and legs to prepare for "the race"! :eek: I`m assuming that by doing this it will make more aerodynamic and help you run faster. :confused:
Once IDBugler sees those shirtless pics he will have a sigh of relief!
Keep up with the 50% milk and you'll be able to fill out those pants you wore in Canada...

Uhhh I meant I went from 3.5% Homo to 50% homo. That was nothing about milk. My humor is wasted with you guys ;)

Looking at those pics it looks like you have shaved your arms and legs to prepare for "the race"! :eek: I`m assuming that by doing this it will make more aerodynamic and help you run faster. :confused:
Once IDBugler sees those shirtless pics he will have a sigh of relief!

Uhhhh I don't shave ?
I've gone ahead and identified the issue for you. Let me know where I can send the enormous bill. If you want to read the diagnosis feel free but it doesn't usually help.

There is a proper equation to figure out how long you will enjoy your happy life but it involves dividing by the number of women who play a significant role in your life & then adding them back in as well. Days spent hunting and fishing add back in as well, but it depends how much 'splaining there is before and after. I forget exactly. All I know is that my right knee is appx. 137 and my left knee is 62. The rest of me, except my liver, is 41. My wife of almost 17 years (omg!) keeps me at under 40 only because she is Brazilian. Math geeks have a go at that.

I, too, am glad you are well. If things turn bad, can you have your wife send me your Mystery Ranch pack?
I can't believe you went this far to have an excuse not to train for this race.
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