He got 3, me only 1. Not fair.

Aint that the way it always goes...
I can put out all kinds of effort into hunting and Joe Blow steps out the back door and kills one bigger than mine, if'n I have killed anything at all.
welcome to the site lochi.

I know how you feel. been there done that ,hehe

Hunting jackels would be cool. are they kinda like a coyote?

Lets here some more about african varmits.

It happened again! :mad:
This sheepfarmer phoned me from the Freestate to help solve his problems in the lambing season. I went out there on Friday evening as the saviour and took the farmer with me. When he saw all my equipment, he started making arrangements for skinners.

Got buggerall. Not even a howl or an eye.

African Econo Hunter