Havalon Knives.

I'm done with 'hunting' knives. From here on out this is the only thing I'm packing in my kit... a 'real' knife


It stays sharp, can be re-sharpened in an instant with a small diamond steal. A knife thats actually designed to cut/bone meat is a hellofalot more valuable to me than a heavy, clunky hunting knife. Razor blade knives, and 'blunt' edged hunting knives will not be packed up a hill ever again. IT weighs next to nothing and the best part is it only costs $25.

I skined, quarted, and boned a moose with it last week, then cut and wrapped it when I got home. I never had to break out a stone, or try to work an edge back onto it, only hit it with a steal, and it still sharp enough to do it all over again.

Would you consider processing a moose/elk with a Havalon knife? How many blades would it take?
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I have a couple really nice custom hunting knives, one that is has been sharpened so many times its missing half the blade. They work fine, but by the time I get 3/4 of the way through an animal they're dull, and need some serrious stone work to get back into shape, skinning is hard on edges, as is boning.

There is really no comparision between a knive made for utility work, and one made for cutting meat.

You can find them online or in a butcher supply or cooking store. One line is your best bet.

Go for the 5" semi stiff, curved. The 6" is great for home processing, but a little big for field use. If they made a 4" I'd probably pick it over all others.

Another thing that is a valuable tool to have along is a meat hook, especially when you're alone, trying to pull off back straps or bone a hind quarter of an elk/moose. Dexter Russel

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JoseC- i can get it in the mail the next day or meet you somewhere in the evenings if you want one ASAP. you can call me if you want to meet, im in meridian. 870-2599
My hunting buddy lost a pretty good knife three years ago after quartering his first bull. He had even wrapped the handle with blaze tape. I found it a year later wedged under the rear rack of my Polaris.

I'll admit I'm a sucker for quality knives...a few more ounces being no big whoop. I'll also admit to using a 20 dollar CRKT for the majority of wet work...couldn't lose that thing if I tried.

I also see plenty of Cutcos in the field.

Bambi, thanks for the meat hook tip...makes a lotta sense,
I'm done with 'hunting' knives. From here on out this is the only thing I'm packing in my kit... a 'real' knife


It stays sharp, can be re-sharpened in an instant with a small diamond steal. A knife thats actually designed to cut/bone meat is a hellofalot more valuable to me than a heavy, clunky hunting knife. Razor blade knives, and 'blunt' edged hunting knives will not be packed up a hill ever again. IT weighs next to nothing and the best part is it only costs $25.

I skined, quarted, and boned a moose with it last week, then cut and wrapped it when I got home. I never had to break out a stone, or try to work an edge back onto it, only hit it with a steal, and it still sharp enough to do it all over again.

Would you consider processing a moose/elk with a Havalon knife? How many blades would it take?

I have a havalon and like it, and have done a moose and several elk with it, if you know where to cut, it aint a big deal, but if you gotta pry it aint any good..the only thing I hated about it was on the moose, I busted several blades on the thick hide on top of the head, I would have also liked to have a longer blade for the straps.

but I do favor a victronox like that as well..I use the red handled one with a bit different blade, only 12 bucks! I used it for years skinning critters i trapped, dont know why it took me so long to use it on big game.
Last year I use 2 blades for an Elk with my Havalon. I skinned 2 full elk by my self last year and helped on one other. I have to admit I blew through about 6-8 blades on my first deer years ago but I was used to PRYING , etc on them. Once I learned how to cut there is no reason 1 blade on an Elk wouldn't work. Not dissing any other knife but I found the one I like and will use and it's the Piranta Havalon. Love it !!
I love these havalon knives. we have a couple and always have a box or 2 of blades laying around.

I wouldnt use them for skinning (thats just me) but I do use them for turning and splitting and pulling toes.
Tafheal, I'm with Bambi on this one ... What do you have in North Carolina that you need "haft" too ? ;)
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