Caribou Gear Tarp

Hauling goose decoys


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2023
Has anyone figured out an easy to haul goose decoys out to the field? I have seen carts but they look to big to fit in our goose trailer. Any other options?
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I can put 95 of my homemade Canada Goose silhouettes in the rear rack of my ATV. I pull a plastic sled with lay out blinds and the rest of the gear.
Our system looks like this:

-Truck with decoys/gear in the bed, towing a small lightweight utility trailer, with ATV on trailer.
-ATV comes off trailer on arrival.
-Trailer gets disconnected from the truck and hitched to the ATV.
-Decoys/blinds/chairs/guns are transferred from truck to trailer.
-ATV pulls trailer of gear into field.
No I suffer through it most times putting out 6 to 7 rozen full bodies myself. Carrying all them. Its not fun. So I'm following this thread. Silos woukd be my answer but I feel like after early season they are not as effective imo.
I am a big fan of working smarter not harder. I do have silhouettes and wind socks but hard to get into the ground when frozen even with a drill. I was curious to see if there other ways. I’ll go renew my gym membership now. Thanks
Drive the 6x12 enclosed single axle right into the field.

Im not schleeping 8dz full-bodies around by hand.

If I need to walk, will use the silos.
We did a mile walk last year with a game cart. Stacked two bags of silos or ten dozen. With two single panel blinds Other guy carried big pack with two spinners and room for fourteen mallards. No way am I carrying a limit of geese a mile.
We did a mile walk last year with a game cart. Stacked two bags of silos or ten dozen. With two single panel blinds Other guy carried big pack with two spinners and room for fourteen mallards. No way am I carrying a limit of geese a mile.
You got it! My buddy added some hog wire sides to a game cart so he could stack more on! Easy walking !
I made this carrier from a golf cart.
goose cart2.JPGgoose cart(1).JPG
The shelf is hinged and folds flat. Once two dozen shell deeks are set out and I'm in cover, the cart is collapsed and covered with the bag.

Game cart would work better I'm sure. I bought this golf cart at a used sporting goods store for almost nothing (after golf season was over).
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We did a mile walk last year with a game cart. Stacked two bags of silos or ten dozen. With two single panel blinds Other guy carried big pack with two spinners and room for fourteen mallards. No way am I carrying a limit of geese a mile.
I have a game cart as well, and I am going to try your methodology
If the carts are too bulky, you might want to try using a decoy sled or a large duffel bag with shoulder straps. They’re easier to pack in your trailer and still get the job done. Just think of it as giving yourself a good workout before the hunt!
Drive atv on open trailer to the field. Take the atv off, hook trailer to the atv, fill up the trailer for a few loads of back and forth. No ruts as long as you don’t make the loads too heavy.
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