Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Has Cabelas gone down hill?

I was just there and couldn’t even spend my 300 dollar gift card. I did buy a turkey reed call I didn’t need though ha ha. I’m sure they will have bullets or powder people actually use at some point? It’s a joke literally nothing I wanted . Except some Swarovski stuff my gift cards not enough lol
I think so. Ever since they became Bass Pro under the Cabela's name they are no longer the same. It's like shopping in Bass Pro with a Cabela's logo in the background. I always thought the Cabela's brand was better quality than Bass Pro.
I agree 110 %
I brought my boys to the cabelas and the Scheels in KC Today and very sad that the Cabelas has fallen suit with the rest of them. 15 years ago I was in the same store and then was really impressed with the Mule Deer museum which is still there but it looks like they haven’t touched things since. Some of the signs explaining the deer had fallen over and nobody had taken the time to put them back in there place? Seemed somewhat outdated and even though it is really hot out the AC barely seemed on. Also half the main floor was boats and there was barely anyone there and one of the employees I asked about something could of might as well been working in the sporting goods at Walmart. And I’m not sure if Johnny Morris has been in a Scheels store lately but if not he outta think about it. It might open up his eyes how many more people are there. We have a smaller Scheels by where I live and the selection isn’t the greatest but the larger ones are very nice.
As a youth in the 80’s finding an outdoor magazine was almost the same as finding a discarded girly mag. When I found a catalog I could look at the photos and dream of what I could do with the stuff I saw there.
When I began my traveling as a young adult I NEVER missed a chance to stop in at Cabelas. For my family it WAS the destination. I spent thousands.
Over the years I have acquired more and I need less. Also my taste has become a bit more refined (no more Hamms or Oly).
My ability to withstand the impulse purchase has increased while their attractiveness has decreased.
So, yes, they have gone the way of the corporate buyout, sell less for more, extract profit, discard shell. But I have changed too, and that didn’t help matters.
Way way way downhill. No more bargain cave. No deals. No competitive pricing. Nothing in stock ever unless you want to order it for more than Amazon, pay shipping, and wait awhile for it.

Went a month before turkey season. They had one box of 20 gauge TSS in stock. That’s it for the entire store. One box of ammo a month before turkey season. Ammo shortage??? Then why did 10 places online have what I needed at a better price? They had lots of Under Armour women’s running gear though. And a chit load of fly fishing gear even though we are in central Indiana.
Way way way downhill. No more bargain cave. No deals. No competitive pricing. Nothing in stock ever unless you want to order it for more than Amazon, pay shipping, and wait awhile for it.

Went a month before turkey season. They had one box of 20 gauge TSS in stock. That’s it for the entire store. One box of ammo a month before turkey season. Ammo shortage??? Then why did 10 places online have what I needed at a better price? They had lots of Under Armour women’s running gear though. And a chit load of fly fishing gear even though we are in central Indiana.
Bass and perch would smack a wooly bugger 🤣😂
I only go to cabelas and scheels to look at the wall of trophies... They know I’m broke when I walk in and smile at them!
Cabelas went downhill when they went public in 2004. Satisfying investors ROI, investors anti gun, and annual profit margins killed their successful private business plan. They could no longer target sportsman as their primary customer base. This is when jogging bras became more prevalent than ammo.

Private companies do not have to listen to Wall Street.

SO the real question is What happened to BP? Easy. They became more concerned with their PR instead of their sportsman customer base IMO.

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