PEAX Equipment

Has anybody here recently bought a new over/under shotgun for under $700 that he really likes?

When I said CAR I meant automobiles like Corolla, Avalon and Camry. Only the TRD Pro editions of Toyota trucks and SUV's have TOYOTA up front over the radiator. It's an aftermarket option on non-TRD Pro Tacoma, Tundra and 4Runner. Apparently, from the factory, Toyota is only proud enough to spell out TOYOTA on the front of their most expensive trucks.
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What is going on here

[IMG alt="OntarioHunter"][/IMG]


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JoinedSep 11, 2020Messages2,595
The double headed eagle emblem tells me it is likely Austrian or Russian make. Possibly even Serbian. The double eagle icon dates back to Mesopotamia but became more prominent as a symbol of Byzantine Empire. It symbolizes mastery over an empire with eagle's eyes watching over east and west. The Holy Roman Empire inherited it from Byzantine and Austria became the final seat of HRE before dissolution (WWI I think). Russia claimed inheritance of the symbol because they protected the eastern orthodox Christian sect of the Byzantine empire. If it is Russian there should be lettering in their Cyrillic alphabet stamped somewhere I would think. Look for it in proof marks.
Kenworth has dropped the KENWORTH badge off the hood noses of their Euro-styled trucks but still has thankfully retained it on their classic American style trucks. Motorola has gotten rid of the label MOTOROLA spelled out on their latest phones. There is just an M symbol on the back of the phone now. My older E6 still has MOTOROLA printed at the bottom of the screen. It's global symbolism and a conspiracy against the English language and western European culture. How I hate "press 1 for English". Michael Savage is right. Language, Borders, Culture.
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Man, since cave days, has been a hunter by nature, a natural predator. We have our eyes forward on our faces like dogs, owls, falcons, lions, foxes, wolves, cats, racoons, coyotes, jackals, tigers, leopards, bobcats, eagles, fishers, mongeese and weasels.
I'm waiting for the ground dove recipe thread.

I put ground glass and cardamom in ground dove meat and serve it in canapes to the oldsters at my local chapter meetings of the Savage the Savage club. If it saves just 1 99 from having a scope mount Bubba'd it's worth it.
Ground dove. Doveburger. This is what you get if your choke is too tight at close range as over a water hole with decoys. You really don't want to connect with a dove at all if a meat-grinder effect is the result.

Bubba'd. I had an aunt in the south that called it ___-fixing. You can probably figure out what to put in the blank. Hint: it's a word that begins with the letter N. Spelling it out here might violate the posting rules against racism. I'm not a racist but my old-fashioned kinfolk in Georgia used such terms. The army called it Yankee Ingenuity or "field expedients". Boot laces have been used to temporally repair broken clutch linkages on military trucks. Classic car people call it hacking. I've heard of a blue can of WD-40 as the do-everything tool and of Vise-Grips in Mexican Snap-On jokes. I've heard that redneck hicks unblock toilets with a shotgun. Yes, which lodge do you belong to at the Fraternal Order of Savage? I propose tarring, feathering and being run out of town "necked" as a jay bird for hacking a Model 99. I will not appreciate any workmanship done to a fine old Savage lever gun by the likes of those who would dare touch it with a "Mexican Snap-On tool kit".
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Right, probably doesn't exist. But I'm sure many a deer has been killed by 00 buck or even a rifled slug from a break action shotgun, be it OU, single shot or side by side. Slugs might be tough on the gun? Not sure. I might have to try it and see.
In the South, slinging buckshot of significant velocity at bucks and does (doeshot?) is common and so is wounded deer on a number of those dog-push videos I've seen. They usually have pumps and autos. Hounds drive the deer out of the woods to the hunters' stations. SC woods sure look like a target rich environment. Them deer are scurrying out like rats and mice from a burning house. Is Eric Church in this video playing something you might call Hillbilly Hard Rock? I saw a dead bobcat in the deer pile. I didn't know they had bobcats in South Carolina.
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Hmmm ... speaking of buckshot, this thread is certainly all over the place. A bunch of skybusting flock shooters. Aiming at everything and hitting nothing. Seems the target is way over their heads. 😆
Kenetrek Boots

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