Caribou Gear Tarp

Has anybody here recently bought a new over/under shotgun for under $700 that he really likes?

Since 1964 essentially all pump shotguns are "modular with swappable barrels and stocks." Nothing unique about that. This shotgun will not wear well. The whitewood birch stock is stained walnut. Every little ding will show through white on a dark background. Blech! The Mossberg 500 is serviceable enough but clunky. For $400 you should be able to buy a used 870 Wingmaster and it's ten times the gun (avoid 870 Express!).
I sold an 870 Special Purpose for $475 on Gunbroker last fall.
Since 1964 essentially all pump shotguns are "modular with swappable barrels and stocks." Nothing unique about that. This shotgun will not wear well. The whitewood birch stock is stained walnut. Every little ding will show through white on a dark background. Blech! The Mossberg 500 is serviceable enough but clunky. For $400 you should be able to buy a used 870 Wingmaster and it's ten times the gun (avoid 870 Express!).
No, the stock bead on the barrel is just fine to take aim at any would-be burglar. Moreover, the sound of the gun racking alone should give him a run for his money so the bead should be a moot point anyway. The checkering will allow me for a firm grip as facing a home intruder could be a nervous palm-sweating thing. Back in 1885, they did not have rail lights on cowboy guns whenever hostile Indians, cougars, wolves or hen-house-raiding foxes snuck on the homestead at night.
I'm not so sure these two aren't really the same guy.
Not inordinately. I know of no over/under that allows for a scope-mounted slug barrel (or it set of barrels?) aftermarket.
Right, probably doesn't exist. But I'm sure many a deer has been killed by 00 buck or even a rifled slug from a break action shotgun, be it OU, single shot or side by side. Slugs might be tough on the gun? Not sure. I might have to try it and see.
I've been dreaming of getting an over/under for awhile now. I'm pretty set on a Beretta SP III or Browning 725. Figure I want 1 lifetime nice over/under, so I'll wait and save for the one I really want. That said, if I were more practical, I've heard nothing but good things about Franchi and CZ over/unders. The Savage 555 seems quite nice for the price as well.

Caveat: the current-production Beretta Silver Pigeon doesn't even have "Silver Pigeon" stamped on it anymore, just "SP" is stamped under the receiver. There is an international/global/new-world-order case of Anglophobia and western European cultural hatred, commercially speaking. Goods makers are shying away from labeling products using English words as trademarks and/or words spelled out fully in the Latin alphabet which English and other western European languages are based upon. You've probably noticed this with automobiles already. Toyota no longer spells out TOYOTA on the bodies of new car models. We hardly see FORD or CHEVROLET spelled out on new-production car bodies anymore. We don't see English words spelled out on the controls of vehicle dashes anymore like LIGHTS and WIPERS. They are into this international symbolism crap.
Right, probably doesn't exist. But I'm sure many a deer has been killed by 00 buck or even a rifled slug from a break action shotgun, be it OU, single shot or side by side. Slugs might be tough on the gun? Not sure. I might have to try it and see.
I don't know how well an over/under with a bead can place a slug. Many modern pump guns have purpose-built aftermarket barrels and sight systems for this sort of affair. Mossberg was one of the first to have this modular barrel system. Remington 870's might have caught on later. Mossberg even makes cantilever slug barrels to fit Remmy's. Ithaca Gun had a famous pump model called Deerslayer specialized for shot-gunning deer. It was based on the venerable old Model 37, I believe, and John M. Browning designed it. The steep prices of new Ithaca pumps is a deal-breaker for me.
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What is going on here

Caveat: the current-production Beretta Silver Pigeon doesn't even have "Silver Pigeon" stamped on it anymore, just "SP" is stamped under the receiver. There is an international/global/new-world-order case of Anglophobia and western European cultural hatred, commercially speaking. Goods makers are shying away from labeling products using English words as trademarks and/or words spelled out fully in the Latin alphabet which English and other western European languages are based upon. You've probably noticed this with automobiles already. Toyota no longer spells out TOYOTA on the bodies of new car models. We hardly see FORD or CHEVROLET spelled out on new-production car bodies anymore. We don't see English words spelled out on the controls of vehicle dashes anymore like LIGHTS and WIPERS. They are into this international symbolism crap.
[IMG alt="OntarioHunter"][/IMG]


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The double headed eagle emblem tells me it is likely Austrian or Russian make. Possibly even Serbian. The double eagle icon dates back to Mesopotamia but became more prominent as a symbol of Byzantine Empire. It symbolizes mastery over an empire with eagle's eyes watching over east and west. The Holy Roman Empire inherited it from Byzantine and Austria became the final seat of HRE before dissolution (WWI I think). Russia claimed inheritance of the symbol because they protected the eastern orthodox Christian sect of the Byzantine empire. If it is Russian there should be lettering in their Cyrillic alphabet stamped somewhere I would think. Look for it in proof marks.
Not sure why my post was quoted and then this incorrect tangent on a new world order. :ROFLMAO:. Odd.
I don't know how well an over/under with a bead can place a slug.
They make slugs for smoothbore shotguns and I'm sure an OU can place them as well as any other smoothbore. I think the main issue would be how limited your distance is due to non-parallel bullet paths.

If I'm lucky someone knowledgeable like @BrentD will stop in and tell me why slugs from an OU is a bad idea.
They make slugs for smoothbore shotguns and I'm sure an OU can place them as well as any other smoothbore. I think the main issue would be how limited your distance is due to non-parallel bullet paths.

If I'm lucky someone knowledgeable like @BrentD will stop in and tell me why slugs from an OU is a bad idea.
Not bad in my opinion, unless stamped, "Not for Ball".

Probably fine in an o/u. I dont see why not, but don't quote me. Never owned one.
I ordered a 16ga CZ Teal from Cabelas...currently $649 (marked down from $849). After handling one in the store I decided it fit me. Unfortunately it has ejectors which isn't what you prefer but is available in 410, 28, 20, 16, and 12 and all but the 16 have choke tubes.
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