Hammer bullets?

I talked to Steve the other day. I was measuring the depth of the hollow point on different batches and noticed each one was almost full of fluid. Come to find out it is cutting fluid, Steve says they try and blow it out and it shouldn’t make a difference. I’m still pondering what, if any, effects it might have on their performance. Especially curious with each having slightly different amounts in each bullet.
Left and right bullets were recovered in the field, under the far side hide. Middle was recovered at home while processing meat, in the muscle of the offside shoulder.
So I talked with Steve about some bullet performance from this fall. He asked me to do a test for him to rule out any questions in my mind. So earlier this week I picked up a road kill yearling deer for some testing before it becomes coyote bait. I figured if it worked on a little deer it would work on a elk.

The chest cavity was filled with two 3” blocks of ballistic gel to simulate organs. 12” of wet paper was used to catch anything that passed thru.

The exit hole opened up and caught a petal of copper between the rib and hide. There is also a small chunk embedded in the hole.

The small bloody hole was from the car breaking that rib on impact, not the bullet.
I went thru most of the paper and found some very small bits of copper just the same as in the gel. I kept the recovered petals and weighed them. The bullet started out as a 181g Hammer Hunter at 3000fps impact velocity. I was quite pleased with the results of this test.

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@Addicting what specific question(s) were you trying to answer?

The metal composition and depth the bullet travels before opening is within for Steve’s parameters.

The shot on my bull looked like it may of opened too late. The entrance hole thru the shoulder blade was perfectly round and almost the size of the bullet. The off shoulders damage (earlier in this thread) appeared as if that is where it expanded. Only leaving a small hole thru the lungs. The bull was immobilized but alive when we got to it some 20 min later. This test was from the same lot that I had loaded for the hunt. My conclusion is the bullets performance was on par and that the bull just had a very strong will to live.
The metal composition and depth the bullet travels before opening is within for Steve’s parameters.

The shot on my bull looked like it may of opened too late. The entrance hole thru the shoulder blade was perfectly round and almost the size of the bullet. The off shoulders damage (earlier in this thread) appeared as if that is where it expanded. Only leaving a small hole thru the lungs. The bull was immobilized but alive when we got to it some 20 min later. This test was from the same lot that I had loaded for the hunt. My conclusion is the bullets performance was on par and that the bull just had a very strong will to live.
Good deal I was just messing with 181 in my 300WinMag. I'm not happy with the accuracy I got but was able to get to about 3150fps using RL23. I would prefer to use RL26 because I have 15lbs on hand vs the 1/2 of RL23 so I'm going to retest also by adding Lee Factory Crimp.
Caribou Gear

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