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Guy Eastman on "corner crossing" ruling

“If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
Release the dogs...

Here’s my hope:

Sportsman band together and corner cross all the billionaire turned major landowners land across the west; the same people have created conditions that very few multi-generation RANCH families have been able to continue.

I hope this DOES devalue their property; maybe keeping property taxes and inheritance taxes more in-line with the agricultural productive value of the land.

These ranching families historically were very friendly towards hunters and hunting and most allowed some access.

I’d like to see our community respect them and their wishes, and save all corner crossing for lands owned by outside money.
Here’s my hope:

Sportsman band together and corner cross all the billionaire turned major landowners land across the west; the same people have created conditions that very few multi-generation RANCH families have been able to continue.

I hope this DOES devalue their property; maybe keeping property taxes and inheritance taxes more in-line with the agricultural productive value of the land.

These ranching families historically were very friendly towards hunters and hunting and most allowed some access.

I’d like to see our community respect them and their wishes, and save all corner crossing for lands owned by outside money.
While I agree with sone of this Ranching families in the past dealt with respectful hunters who left placed better than they found. New generation of hunters are not this way. I can list many many reasons why I don’t let “hunters” on my property alone.
Thanks for generalizing. I'll remember that each time I come across a 40-60 year old beer can or five that was left there before I was born. 👍🏼
You want some un-generalization

Driving ATV/SXS off main trails. Especially creek beds
Leaving shit all over, and I mean the real shit, not burying it
leaving trash all over
leaving more than just a carcass behind. Like whole quarters because they only want the mount
not cleaning up a fire pit or camp area
cutting fences
leaving gates open
leaving brass and targets around from target shooting '"sighting-in"
Trespassing over border lines

I can keep going.

Were not talking public land. My thread was about private land and why its an issue with people who want to use it but don't respect it.
You want some un-generalization

Driving ATV/SXS off main trails. Especially creek beds
Leaving shit all over, and I mean the real shit, not burying it
leaving trash all over
leaving more than just a carcass behind. Like whole quarters because they only want the mount
not cleaning up a fire pit or camp area
cutting fences
leaving gates open
leaving brass and targets around from target shooting '"sighting-in"
Trespassing over border lines

I can keep going.

Were not talking public land. My thread was about private land and why its an issue with people who want to use it but don't respect it.

None of that is unique to private land. Heck, one of my favorite pieces of public has a bunch of those problems with adjacent cattlemen. They cut the wilderness boundary fences to let their cattle in every year.

An a-hole is an a-hole.

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