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Guy Eastman on "corner crossing" ruling

You want some un-generalization

Driving ATV/SXS off main trails. Especially creek beds
Leaving shit all over, and I mean the real shit, not burying it
leaving trash all over
leaving more than just a carcass behind. Like whole quarters because they only want the mount
not cleaning up a fire pit or camp area
cutting fences
leaving gates open
leaving brass and targets around from target shooting '"sighting-in"
Trespassing over border lines

I can keep going.

Were not talking public land. My thread was about private land and why its an issue with people who want to use it but don't respect it.
Shit happens man
I won’t comment on the legal validity of the opinion that this ruling applies to corner crossing checkerboard lands within 20 miles of the tracks. But something that I’ve heard thrown around.

It got me to thinking about a corner that’s of interest to me. I never have corner crossed it or even stepped foot on the section but I did look into it at one point and decided to ask for “permission” someday after I found out some other hunters had been given “permission” to step inside the one private parties property to get to the next section. I never did follow through, and it became a moot point when I purchased property with an easement across said section. Funny enough, I still haven’t hunted it, because I’ve got something much better with my Forest access, but I digress.

Anyways, I was thinking, man that corners gotta be real close to 20 miles from the railroad. I measured it on OnX recently, and it’s exactly between 20 and 21 miles away from the tracks. That’s pretty ironic. Knowing the one private party on one side of the corner, I REALLY doubt they would care regardless. The other party on the other I hand likely would care. I’ll be interested to see what happens around that corner in the coming years.

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