Caribou Gear

Gutless Method video

I think the dowloadable app would be helpful for the inexperienced. Not sure the quantity of the dowloads. Certainly if you are in areas out west you would want to use this, you would be unlikely to watch it on youtube with a signal.

I would love to see the full elk version to see if I can learn something new, as I did on this one with the slit in the front legs while caping, and frankly on the pocket at the top of spine/head.

I would also like to see one where you fully remove bones, even from front and rear quarters. I'm so weight conscious I rarely take any bones out. Rears are supereasy and take no time at all and come out in one piece, but fronts are a little harder.

Doing a skull caping and also seperate skull decap would be helpful as well.
I finally gave it a try on an elk last season. I won't be going back to the old way for elk and deer - ever.

Waaaay easier for me to process a big animal like an elk while hunting solo. Break down one side, flip and repeat.
Seemed easier to get flanks, neck, and rib meat using the gutless method.
Randy, just being straight honest, no. I would not pay...

I don't think it takes watching a video in the field to get the bang for the buck.

I agree with this. After watching the video (at home) I didn't need to have the video with me in order to do it out in the field.
PA needs to catch up with the times!!!! Too many rules based on poachers and not the honest hunter!!! They forget poachers don't follow rules. As if they are going to poach a deer and say we have to remove it whole!!!
I have gone gutless on a deer and 2 antelope in the last year and definitely am a proponent now. Hope if we keep bumping this will help folks :)
The video isn't working for me, it's says it is private?
I have watched it in the past.
I was going to show it to my friend who plans on coming to Montana with me.
The video isn't working for me, it's says it is private?
I have watched it in the past.
I was going to show it to my friend who plans on coming to Montana with me.

The problem is not on your end - not working here any longer either.
The problem is not on your end - not working here any longer either.

Here is the gig. When we posted this original video, it was on our YouTube account. We then entered into a deal with Carbon Media Group/Outdoor Hub when our content was part of the CarbonTV network. That agreement terminated two years ago. Last month I asked them to drop our content and return control of the YouTube videos to us.

Well, they dropped our content, but so far have not given the YouTube videos back to us. Uggh!

If they do not reassign that video back to us, I will have to reload it and lose all 80K+ views that came with it. Frustrating, for sure.

Sorry about that. Hope to have it resolved in the next week.
Well count me in for watching it about 8k times to get you back to 10%. It is the video I use to show people what it's all about!
I finally had to reload the video to our YouTube platform. Link here -

I am thinking of making this available on our download platform so guys could have it as a reference in the field. Would anyone pay $3 to have that in their possession? Any less than that and the download platform gets all the money.
Great video. I like to remove the bone from the meat prior to pack out. Back legs I cut the inside of the leg following the femur up and get it off in one piece. Allows me to pack more meet into a smaller bags. But like everything it is just my preference. Great video. Solo Hunter had a good episode where Remy Warren did the same on a Big Horn Sheep in NV.
Did my first antelope hunt last week in Wyoming and I tried this method out. I will never field dress another animal unless absolutely necessary. The only problem I had was getting the tenderloins out but I was probably doing something wrong. Not only is it easier it is also less messy, there's no dealing with the carcass at home, and deboning is way easier. It only took me about 15 minutes longer to do the gutless method than to field dress. I have always hung my deer for 4-5 days and then struggled skinning and getting rid of the carcass. No more. The gutless method is awesome.
Good video. Have done this a few times in the backcountry. It's a lifesaver if your miles in.
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