guided hunts...what is considered successful?


New member
Jan 7, 2001
Northeast Arizona
so you go on a guided hunt, we'll say a bear hunt. you hunt for five days and don't get your bear but you do kill coyotes, foxes, or maybe a deer. would you still consider the hunt successful? or would you pass on the other animals and and go home empty handed?

dennis :eek:
Well if I was to go on a guided hunt for anything that animal is what I exspect to be hunting.If I just wanted to pull the triger on watever happend by I would stay home and hunt my back yard.If your sitting on a bear bait waiting for a bear,Or spot and stalking, and you start shooting watever comes in your determining your own success aren't you ???

[ April 02, 2001: Message edited by: Tobey ]
Success depends on expectations ! and what you define as success!!! what do expect to get for your money ??? some guys expect nothingless than a shot at a record book animal, (good luck!)some guys expect a good safe hunt and an outdoor experience, me. some guys think to be successful then there has to be blood, some of us know that not every successful hunt has to end with a kill.

Every outfitter i know sells HUNTS! NOT ANIMALS!

I think its like beauty, its in the eye of the beholder! if ya want a 380 class boone & crockett bull, then you can buy one from numerous game farms! if ya want to hunt one then roll up your sleeves and get ready for the work to begin! its not gonna be easy! is success the photo shoot with the big bull or is success a tasty tenderloin???

the individualism of hunting is what make the sport so great, a technique that works for one may not work for another and the measure of success for one person may not be the same for another! Just my .02
DKO, I think you hit it right on the head. Success is different among different hunters. To me it is what you make out of the experience. I just love to hunt and be in the field. :cool:
I fI were going on a guided bear hunt as was mentioned, I would at least want my guide to try his/her best to get me a bear. If they are turning me onto coyotes and foxes I feel they are not giving me what I have paid for. If they indeed try hard to get ma a bear, or whatever game I was paying them for, Then I would consider it a successful hunt if I went home empty. Any guide that would have me start shooting varmits instead, I would have my doubts about.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DKO:
Success depends on expectations ! and what you define as success!!! what do expect to get for your money ??? some guys expect nothingless than a shot at a record book animal, (good luck!)some guys expect a good safe hunt and an outdoor experience, me. some guys think to be successful then there has to be blood, some of us know that not every successful hunt has to end with a kill. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

VERY well put and my feelings exactly. It is for this very reason that I posted the complaint about an Oregon outfitter just recently on this board (now there was a hunt that in no way could be considered successful!). After over 25 years of hunting, pulling the trigger just isn't a requirement for me anymore. It most likely was when I was younger, but now, between trying to raise kids, work, and keep up a home- the hunts I manage to go on each year only need to be safe and enjoyable to be deemed "successful". Filling a tag is just the icing on the cake...
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