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Guide or resident needed for non resident to hunt in Wyoming.

There is no legitimate reason for that rule, law, whatever they call it.
While you and @rjthehunter might not see any legitimate reasons and myself along with other NR's share the frustration with the rule. I think @BuzzH Has done a great job, countless times explaining why it's in place.

I even recall him saying he can work to get it removed. However, the concessions the NRs would need to make to tags for outfitter set aside would be way more detrimental To NR hunting.

You guys don't like the rule find a resident friend, hire a guide, don't hunt the wilderness, or just don't apply pretty easy fix.
So, if I can find a resident hunter with a big game tag who is willing to obtain the resident guide license and allow me to be one of his two guided hunters, I can hunt the wilderness without this person being present? We can exchange guide services which is not considered compensation? I am guessing they have to be present??

STATUTORY AUTHORITY:Wyoming Statute § 23-2-401 (b).Any resident possessing a valid resident big or trophy game animal license may apply for and receive a resident guide license. The resident guide license shall be issued without charge or bond by the commission, any district supervisor or resident game warden upon receipt of an affidavit from the resident stating the names and addresses of the nonresident hunters to be guided, the game to be hunted, the area to be hunted, and that the resident has not received nor will accept directly or indirectly any compensation for his services as a guide. A resident guide shall not guide more than two (2) nonresident hunters in any calendar year on any national forest, wilderness area, national game refuge, or national park, except as provided in W.S. 23-2-401, nor shall he accept any compensation or gratuity for his services. An exchange of guide services shall not be considered compensation for the purposes of this section. The name and license number of the nonresident hunter shall be placed on the back of the resident guide license and stamped or signed by the issuer.Big game animal is defined as: antelope, bighorn sheep, deer, elk, moose or mountain goat.Trophy game animal is defined as: black bear, grizzly bear or mountain lion AND gray wolves within any area of the state where gray wolves are classified as trophy game animals by commission regulation. Authority for License Issuance:Resident Guide licenses may be issued at Cheyenne Headquarters Office and all Department Regional Offices using the iPOS system. Resident Guide licenses may also be issued using manual license documents in the field by game wardens. There is no paper application for this product.For further information please call the Telephone Information Center at 307-777-4600
Just called and verified. They must be with you the ENTIRE time. I.e. a resident "guide" and NR must be "tethered" at all times during the wilderness part of the hunt.

Sounds like more than "signing off"
Just called and verified. They must be with you the ENTIRE time. I.e. a resident "guide" and NR must be "tethered" at all times during the wilderness part of the hunt.

Sounds like more than "signing off"
Not true, read the statute, you're making up lies.
Not true, read the statute, you're making up lies.
Call them yourself. Or read their website. I know "companion" is a big word for some people. Google it if youre unsure.

Q. Is it true nonresidents cannot hunt in national forest wilderness areas without a guide?
A. Basically, that's right. Wyoming statute says nonresidents must have a licensed guide or resident companion to hunt big or trophy game in federally designated wilderness areas. The resident companion will need to get a free non-commercial guide license from a Game and Fish office. The law does not prohibit nonresidents from hiking, fishing or hunting game birds, small game, or coyotes in wilderness areas. Only nonresident big and trophy game hunters must have a licensed guide or resident companion.
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Call them yourself. Or read their website. I know "companion" is a big word for some people. Google it if youre unsure.

Q. Is it true nonresidents cannot hunt in national forest wilderness areas without a guide?
A. Basically, that's right. Wyoming statute says nonresidents must have a licensed guide or resident companion to hunt big or trophy game in federally designated wilderness areas. The resident companion will need to get a free non-commercial guide license from a Game and Fish office. The law does not prohibit nonresidents from hiking, fishing or hunting game birds, small game, or coyotes in wilderness areas. Only nonresident big and trophy game hunters must have a licensed guide or resident companion.
Read the statute.
I'm just curious to the total number of Moose, Sheep and Mtn Goat hunting units in Montana, and of all those units, how many are Non-Residents allowed to apply in each year, and the consistency of that? Regardless of public/private/wilderness status. Something to ponder when hating how Wyoming does that.
Read the statute.
So Wy GF mislead me when i called, and their "faq" says the same thing.

I asked about the statute not saying anything about being with them the whole time. "What do you think is meant by the word guide?" Was he lying buzz?

P.s. heres the law. "Unless accompanied by"

(a) No nonresident shall hunt big or trophy game animals on any designated wilderness area, as defined by federal or state law, in this state unless accompanied by a licensed professional guide or a resident guide. There shall be at least one (1) licensed professional guide or resident guide accompanying each two (2) nonresident hunters. The commission may also specify other areas of the state, or specific big or trophy game species, for which a licensed professional or resident guide is required for nonresidents, for purposes of proper game management, protection of hunter welfare and safety, or better enforcement of game and fish laws. The commission may allow licensed guides to accompany more than two (2) hunters but no more than six (6) hunters in specific areas.
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So Wy GF mislead me when i called, and their "faq" says the same thing.

I asked about the statute not saying anything about being with them the whole time. "What do you think is meant by the word guide?" Was he lying buzz?

P.s. heres the law. "Unless accompanied by"

(a) No nonresident shall hunt big or trophy game animals on any designated wilderness area, as defined by federal or state law, in this state unless accompanied by a licensed professional guide or a resident guide. There shall be at least one (1) licensed professional guide or resident guide accompanying each two (2) nonresident hunters. The commission may also specify other areas of the state, or specific big or trophy game species, for which a licensed professional or resident guide is required for nonresidents, for purposes of proper game management, protection of hunter welfare and safety, or better enforcement of game and fish laws. The commission may allow licensed guides to accompany more than two (2) hunters but no more than six (6) hunters in specific areas.
So, your definition of accompanied or guided is "tethered to"?

I'm not short roping a buddy up the hill to an elk. Probably not even going to hunt the same ridge, maybe not even the same drainage.

So, your definition of accompanied or guided is "tethered to"?

I'm not short roping a buddy up the hill to an elk. Probably not even going to hunt the same ridge, maybe not even the same drainage.

I was also told I needed the resident guide with me while hunting to venture into the wilderness area. It sounds like that is not the case @BuzzH ?
I was also told I needed the resident guide with me while hunting to venture into the wilderness area. It sounds like that is not the case @BuzzH ?
I'm not a lawyer, but the word "Accompany" is defined as:
1. go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.
2. be present or occur at the same time as (something else).

@VikingsGuy you're in the legal industry right? What does that statute mean to you?
So, your definition of accompanied or guided is "tethered to"?

I'm not short roping a buddy up the hill to an elk. Probably not even going to hunt the same ridge, maybe not even the same drainage.

Thats how the people enforcing it defined it, the game and fish. Its also defined in the term "accompany." Thats also how a guide would operate with a client.

I would expect to be risking a citation if i got more than a few hundred yards from a R guide. Clearly hard to enforce, and based on your post history, it isnt.

Im not the type of person to break regulations, even if i disagree. Carry on.
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