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Shoot this guy cause he is a beautiful buck - not for the score.
Problem is he is missing the G4 on both sides which remove the H4 measurement killing his score.
Scores are silly

Inside width: 16 4/8

Left antler:
MB 18 6/8
G1 6
G2 6 2/8
G3 5 4/8

H1 3 6/8
H2 3 6/8
H3 2 6/8

NTP 3 4/8
= 50 2/8

Right antler:
MB 19 4/8
G1 4
G2 6 6/8
G3 5 2/8

H1 3 6/8
H2 3 6/8
H3 2 6/8

NTP 3 4/8
=49 4/8

50 2/8
+49 4/8
+16 4/8
=116 2/8 Gross N/T

Remember, there are four mass measurements per beam regardless of the number of points.

No biggie Steve, but I sure thought there was 4 ea H measurements for a mainframe 8 pt.

My guess is 125....velvet and low light usually makes me snap judge higher so I compensated for initial 'gut' guess (130 class)
The 4th mass measurement gets added no matter what. Even if you are scoring a spike buck, there are 4 mass measurements per side.

My guess is... 128 7/8

I'm not a score guy by any stretch so thanks for clarifying.

H-4 Circumference at the smallest place between 3rd and 4th tines.

Guess I assumed if no 4th you would get no H-4 measurements.

Where would you take the H4 measurements? Half way to end of main beam?

Thanks for the education!
Good thread! Thanks.

Interesting range of scores.

118 3/8 to 212, which may or may not been a typo. Next highest 145 3/8.

I am guessing 119

Another as reference, this buck just cracked 140.
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I always overestimate velvet bucks. So I came up with a number and then made it smaller. Twice. 119 3/8

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