PEAX Equipment

Grouse! Let’s See Them

@shrapnel , all your guns are beautifully aged. Wondering what is the average age of your "fleet"?
I really don't know the average, but I do have quite a few with the earliest being a centerfire shotgun built by George Daw in England in 1867. That is an extremely significant gun as most everything in that era was still percussion fired...DSCN4927.JPGDSCN4931.JPGDSCN4933.JPGTurkeys2014f.jpg
Usually after September I need reminding that grouse hunting is both more fun and more efficient with a dog and shotgun than flinging arrows while focused on elk (and often blowing up $20+ per)

30 minute limit in CO this morning and two more from across the border in WY after:


I don’t know about the Northern Rockies guys, but it has been an incredible grouse hatch in CO and southern WY this year. We were seeing broods of like 8 this summer and bird numbers are just crazy in a few of my normal areas.
I’ve seen a few, but they’ve all gotten away from me. Hopefully I’ll get one this weekend, I’m going to bring my 500 deer hunting.
I don’t know about the Northern Rockies guys, but it has been an incredible grouse hatch in CO and southern WY this year. We were seeing broods of like 8 this summer and bird numbers are just crazy in a few of my normal areas.
It’s been pretty good up here too! We had one day around the start of September, when berries were nice and ripe, where a friend and I had 20 or so flushes in the three hours we had to hunt after work. Surprising, as I thought a wet spring was supposed to be harsh on the young of the year survival.

That spot sadly dried up when the berries did though. I’d hoped it would be my after work pantry for the season.
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