Well, after numerous requests, I finally decided to accompany my friend who had a grizzly tag. He is as hardcore as they get and had already made two trips out and spend 8 days in the alder jungles that the big bears call home. His first trip included a 22 km round trip snowshoe/ski into the heart of the valley, where he had seen three grizz. but not the one he was looking for. I was prepared for hell...
After many hours in the truck with quad and trailer in tow, we were welcomed to the territory by razor sharp, snow capped peaks (these mountains could make Moosie CRY!
) It was about 4pm and we headed right into a drainage that was shrouded by the steep walls of some serious mountains. A white gauntlet of glacial runoff roared down the bottom, it's banks choked with 10' alders. My boys turned to raisins just at the thought of crossing it...
The mountaintop glaciers carved huge swaths in the steep forests as their avalanches sent masses of snow to the valley below. They chutes were still packed with snow in their upper reaches, but the bottoms were green with lush salad bars that we would get to know intimately.... glassing....... glassing..... glassing...
After many hours in the truck with quad and trailer in tow, we were welcomed to the territory by razor sharp, snow capped peaks (these mountains could make Moosie CRY!
The mountaintop glaciers carved huge swaths in the steep forests as their avalanches sent masses of snow to the valley below. They chutes were still packed with snow in their upper reaches, but the bottoms were green with lush salad bars that we would get to know intimately.... glassing....... glassing..... glassing...