
Grizz 399

Been kind of fascinating to see how folks feel about this bear on social media. Bears are cool animals, and bring forth sentiments in the extreme for many on either side of the coin. I've seen diatribes against the driver of the car, poetic tomes of love and anthropomorphism, obituaries from opportunists leveraging the emotions of the crowd to further the largely unrelated, and all sorts of stuff.

Clearly a symbol to a lot of people.

More bears + more people = more incidents = more fodder. It's a comin'.
Her survival and success to live so many years is a hell of a story. That's a wise animal. It figured out that it can use the presence of humans to keep her cubs safe from boars. I actually felt bad how every Tom Dick and Harry chased her around the park though. Animals deserve better, but that's just me.

At the end of the day it's an animal. And it's quite rare for one to die of old age. I'm kind of glad it was a car and not a hunter that posted on faceplant that he killed 399. The backlash from that one would have been one for the ages.
I revere grizzlies. But don’t really care about a singular mama. There are others that do the same without the notoriety. I’ve seen 7 grizz during archery and my hunting partner was bluff charged by a sow with two cubs. Let’s move to state management.
Why do y'all care what others think or feel? I don't get it. Why not move along?

This is as ridiculous as people who care about college football for crying out loud.
