Great Wyoming season


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Happy Valley, OR
Going into the Wyoming draws, I was pretty sure one of my boys would draw elk, and that would be it for our Wyoming hunts this year. I was pleasantly surprised when both boys drew elk and completely shocked when Asher also drew deer and antelope. I told him to enjoy this year because it was unlikely he would draw all three species in one year ever again.

First up was the deer hunt. The Winter kill of 22-23 hit our normal spots hard. The last time I had this tag, I counted over 15 mature bucks on opening morning. This year we saw exactly 1 mature buck opening day. It was pretty sad. We hunted hard and 6 days into the hunt Asher decided to shoot this buck since his girlfriend was with us that day.

Next up was elk. We had planned to hunt 5-6 days, which I thought would give us a good chance to fill both tags. Unfortunately, about a month ago, the boys told me that mid-term exams were scheduled for the same timeframe. Isaac informed me that he would only be able to hunt opening day. Asher said he would have to miss opening day but could hunt the following 2 days. I tried to no avail to convince them that these Wyoming elk tags were more important than some mid-term exams. 😉 Kids these days…

Isaac and I hiked in the day before opener and set up a spike camp. Opening morning came and we were right where we wanted to be at first light. Just like it was scripted a small herd of elk fed out of the trees 280 yards above us. There were 4 bulls in the group and I told Isaac to take the lead bull. Two shots later and we had a dead bull before the sun came up. We got the bull broke down and hung to cool.

Later that night we hiked out and met my Dad who had brought Asher over and would take Isaac back to school. The next morning Asher and I hiked in. We only saw a few cows that morning, but later that evening we had a bull feed out at 435 yards. With only 2 days to hunt, Asher had told me he was going to take any bull so one shot later the bull was down. We hurried over and quartered him up and just made it back to camp as it got dark. The next morning we awoke to rain/sleet and thick fog. We were glad we had got the bull the night before since hunting in that fog was impossible. We got both elk packed out and just like that our Wyoming elk season was over.


Two days later I took Asher and his girlfriend over to his antelope unit and after a few failed stalks we were able to get in range of a herd of 20 or so antelope. There were no big ones in the bunch, but Asher was happy to take this buck and complete his Wyoming “trifecta”.


As I've said many times, Wyoming never disappoints.
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