Great line up at the conventions


New member
Dec 11, 2000
Speaker's at the conventions.

Bush had ---Rudy Giuliani & John Mc. Cain
Kerry had ---Jimmy Carter.

Bush had-----Arnold Schwarzeregger
Kerry had AL SHARPTON .

I thought it was funny.
I mean Al Sharpton??????????? WOW
I agree they've come up with good speakers at the GOP convention. But as usual you are dishonest about the dem. convention speakers. They were.....

Wesley Clark
Barrick Obama
The Kerry daughters
Bill Richardson, gov of NM
Madeline Albright
Max Cleland

and Al Sharpton was never on the list. Maybe he was on your TV.

Al was scheduled, and I think he did speak. The democrats truly embrace people of all color within their party, not just trotting out token people of color for superficial publicity shots.

Al ran a legitimate primary campaign, and as such, was entitled to a chance to speak. Part of the process, and why somebody would want to silence Al because of his color is beyond me. Always good to see racism at Hunttalk.

Monday, July 26
The Kerry-Edwards Plan for America's Future

David Alston, Vietnam Swift Boat Crewmate of John Kerry
Tammy Baldwin, U.S. Representative from Wisconsin
Jimmy Carter, Former President of the United States
Bill Clinton, Former President of the United States
Hillary Clinton, U.S. Senator from New York
Al Gore, Former Vice-President of the United States
Steny Hoyer, U.S. Representative from Maryland, Democratic Whip
Terry McAuliffe, Chairman of the Democratic Party
Kendrick Meek, U.S. Representative from Florida
Robert Menendez, U.S. Representative from New Jersey
Thomas Menino, Mayor of Boston
Barbara Mikulski, U.S. Senator from Maryland
(joined by all Women Senators)
Stephanie Tubbs Jones, U.S. Representative from Ohio
Jim Turner, U.S. Representative from Texas

Tuesday, July 27
A Lifetime of Strength & Service
Tom Daschle, U.S. Senator from South Dakota, Democratic Leader
Howard Dean, Former Governor of Vermont, 2004 Presidential Candidate Richard Durbin, U.S. Senator from Illinois
James Forbes, Senior Minister at Riverside Church, New York City
Richard Gephardt, U.S. Representative from Missouri, 2004 Presidential Candidate
Chris Heinz, Stepson of John Kerry
Teresa Heinz Kerry, Wife of John Kerry
Mike Honda, U.S. Representative from California
Ted Kennedy, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts
Jim Langevin, U.S. Representative from Rhode Island
Carol Moseley-Braun, Former U.S. Senator from Illinois, 2004 Presidential Candidate
Janet Napolitano, Governor of Arizona
Barack Obama, State Senator from Illinois, U.S. Senate Candidate
Ron Reagan, Son of former President Ronald Reagan
Christie Vilsack, First Lady of Iowa
Ilana Wexler, 13-Year-Old Founder of Kids for Kerry

Wednesday, July 28
A Stronger More Secure America

Steve Brozak, Ret. Lt. Col., USMC, Candidate for U.S. Representative from New Jersey
Elijah Cummings, U.S. Representative from Maryland
Cate Edwards, Daughter of John Edwards
Elizabeth Edwards, Wife of John Edwards
John Edwards, Democratic Vice-Presidential Nominee
Bob Graham, U.S. Senator from Florida, 2004 Presidential Candidate
Jennifer Granholm, Governor of Michigan
Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Representative from Ohio, 2004 Presidential Candidate
Greg Meeks, U.S. Representative from New York
Martin O'Malley, Mayor of Baltimore, Maryland
Harry Reid, U.S. Senator from Nevada
Ed Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania
Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico
Al Sharpton , 2004 Presidential Candidate

Thursday, July 29
Stronger at Home, Respected in the World Madeline Albright, Former Secretary of State
Joe Biden, U.S. Senator from Delaware
Wesley Clark, Four Star General, 2004 Presidential Candidate
Max Cleland, Former U.S. Senator from Georgia
James Clyburn, U.S. Representative from South Carolina
Alexandra Kerry, Daughter of John Kerry
John Kerry, 2004 Democratic Presidential Nominee
Vanessa Kerry, Daughter of John Kerry
Joe Lieberman, U.S. Senator from Connecticut, 2004 Presidential Candidate
Ed Markey, U.S. Representative from Massachusetts
Juanita Millender-McDonald, U.S. Representative from California
Eleanor Holmes Norton, U.S. Representative from the District of Columbia
Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Representative from California, Democratic Leader
Jim Rassman, Green Beret rescued by John Kerry in Vietnam
Louise Slaughter, U.S. Representative from New York
(joined by Congressional Women)
John Sweeney, President of AFL-CIO
Mark Warner, Governor of Virginia
I didnt know he was there. I think Sharpton is a little kokoo and its more than just his color that makes people not like him. Regardless, funny that there were dozens of speakers and Mule makes it sounds like Sharpton was a keynote speaker like Guiliani and Ah-nold. The attack spinmachine is an effective weapon.
I'm not speaking about Al Sharpton in particular, but it seems common when someone doesn't like someone of color, to use color as the reason and to label the person a bigot. Maybe the person is a jerk and just happens to be a minority. I saw nothing in anybody's post about race - maybe they just don't like Sharpton and it has nothing to do with his color, but his beliefs?

Why are they tokens at the Republican convention and not at the Democratic Convention? Is Powell a token? Are Bush's Hispanic grandchildren tokens? Is Bush's "amnesty" plan a token?

I know - it's all just politics and not the man's convictions.
Suprisingly, Al has became less kookoo over time. Which is kind of nice to see. As we have some posters in the "old enough to be a grandma" category who seem to become MORE kookoo over time. If you read thru Al's platform, he had a couple of intelligent positions.

The only thing I can think is that Al's hair has provided him protection from head injury, wheras others who forget to wear their helmet while riding ATV are possibly suseptible to becoming more kookoo.

I still don't see why somebody would take exception to Al speaking at a convention, as a legitimate Primary Candidate unless it was racism.
This will veer a little off the topic so maybe it will get deleted under the new policy.

I have no gripe with either convention and who was or is speaking. I generally tire quickly of the rhetoric and partisanship and hence tune it out.

I disagree with you on one point regarding Rev. Al Sharpton. I certainly don't want to hush him up because of his race. My problem is that people like him and Jesse Jackson are feeding Americans of color (how is that for PC) a diet of victimhood. None of the shortcomings or failings in the black community are their fault it is all the white man who oppresses.

Personally I find people like Al Sharpton to be far bigger racist then most white people I know. I have very close friends from the military who are black, many of them are disgusted by guys like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Since the original poster listed both Al Sharpton and Jimmy Carter, it is humorous to see it become a racial issue. Last time I checked, Jimmy Carter was still white. Talk about "spin."

The helmet comments are getting old.
Look at today's line up

Convention Call to Order
Representative Henry Bonilla (TX)
Deputy Permanent Co-Chair

Presentation of Colors
New York Port Authority

Pledge of Allegiance
Mary Lou Retton and Kerri Strug
Olympic Gold Medalists

National Anthem
Nicole C. Mullen, Nashville, TN

Bishop Keith Butler, Southfield, MI
Primetime Continued

Lynn Swann
NFL Hall of Famer

Dorothy Hamill
Olympic Gold Medalist

The Honorable Michael Williams (TX)

Donnie McClurkin

Michael W. Smith

Governor George Pataki (NY)

President George W. Bush

Cardinal Egan

As a white person, I can not stand listening to Keri Strug and Mary-who Retton. :rolleyes:

Why didn't she list a black speaker from the GOP?

Can you tell me what purpose Lynn Swann has at the convention??? The last time he saw South Central LA was when he played for USC.

And you gotta admidt working Al's hair into the helmet comment was not OLD, but was pretty Fresh... :D
Why do you suppose Colin Powell isn't at the Republican convention? I suspect he doesn't want to be there. Certainly Dubya and crowd would love to have him there. I bet they put a lot of pressure on him to be there, too.
I have a Black friend who calls Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson "civil rights pimps" Gunner i can`t believe you saw racism in this thread.

Don't you find it curious that MD would post something making fun of a black man appearing at the Democratic convention, but trumpeting a man with Nazi ties at the Republican Convention???

It's just a tiny typewritten line tucked away in an immense archive, but it sheds further light on the Nazi past of Arnold Schwarzenegger's father.
The brief entry in one of millions of documents stored at the Austrian State Archives shows that Gustav Schwarzenegger, the late father of the film star and governor of California, was a volunteer member of the Sturmabteilung, or SA — the notorious Nazi storm troopers also known as brownshirts.
"and why somebody would want to silence Al because of his color is beyond me. Always good to see racism at Hunttalk."

Gunner: I read the post's above yours and the first person to say anthing about race or color was you.
Im not sure where your comment is coming from. Maybe they were just trying to make the point that Al's veiw's seem to be a little extream for the main stream democrat.
"Why do you suppose Colin Powell isn't at the Republican convention? I suspect he doesn't want to be there. Certainly Dubya and crowd would love to have him there. I bet they put a lot of pressure on him to be there, too."

It is customary for the cabinet members of the incumbent president to stay away from their partys political convention. Im sure that Colin Powell is just following a well established protocol.
I don't see Arnold having any ties to the Nazi party. His father might have been one, but that does not mean Arnold is a Nazi. My father was in the Teamsters, Jimmy Hoofa was involved with the Mafia, so I am a teamster and a gangster?
Looking at this thread objectively (as I always do ;) ), I see MD in the first post making fun of the Dems. for having Al Sharpton speaking at the convention, as if that were anything to be ashamed of.

No doubt, it's a racist post. Go back to the top and check it for yourself.

Actually, for anyone to even pay the tiniest bit of attention to her comparison of speakers is pretty ridiculous. And anyone who would post such a blatently obvious biased post and expect anyone with a brain to give it any credibility must think the readers aren't very bright. Crap like that shows either a real severe lack of intelligence on the part of the poster or else their complete lack of respect for the intelligence of the readers.

As always, my word on this matter should be final. :D
I think any post that mentions head trauma, riding without a helmet ect ect should be immediatly deleted.

I personally find the head trauma remarks very ignorant and childish.
I call on those who continue to do so to start acting like gentlemen instead of grade schoolers.
It is the right thing to do.
Originally posted by DEADI270:

It is customary for the cabinet members of the incumbent president to stay away from their partys political convention. Im sure that Colin Powell is just following a well established protocol.
Maybe they should have told Elain Chao (Sec of Labor) and Ron Paige (Sec of Education) of the custom of staying away....

Don't suppose they were trotted out as the People of Color in Dubya's cabinet??? :rolleyes:

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