Caribou Gear

Great Falls adventures


New member
Jun 17, 2013
Billings, MT
I will be in GF next week, June 2-5, and will have some free time. Anybody got recommendations on daily adventures I can do. Cool day hikes, places to try wetting a line, interesting historical places, natural wonder and splendor, etc. I'll be by myself and up for almost anything worth doing. Suggestions are much appreciated as I have no time logged in that area.
Go to the Sip n' dip lounge, it is pretty amazing! Adventure options would be driving into the Highwoods to go hike and wetting a line is decent anywhere below the Rainbow Dam where it is walk in only to access the river and also many of the local fishing access points have decent fishing in the morning more than in the evening. I caught five catfish with the wife on monday in the AM at one of the spots. check out the lewis and clark museum near the giant springs state park too! hit me up with a PM if you want and i will give you my number to hang out depending on my work schedule.
The above suggestions are very good, especially the Sip and Dip. Other thoughts include hiking Sluice Boxes state park (about 30 min drive out of town), go to a local brewery- both Bowser or The Front are good, and for a great dinner, I'd go to the beef and bone in ulm.
Sluice Boxes is a cool hike, go to the upper trail head about two miles off of Highway 87 and then hike down in and up the old narrow gauge railbed.

There is a good trail along the Missouri right below Rainbow Dam that takes you downriver. It's a good jogging or mountain biking trail. Nice scenery along the river.

Black Diamond in Belt has excellent food, as does Dante's in Great Falls.

The Ulm Pishkun is neat, but not a must see. You could go for a hike in the Highwood Mountains. The view from Highwood Baldy is amazing. Drive out towards Dupuyer and see the Rocky Mountain Front.

The Charlie Russel Museum is very much worth going to.

Go fishing on the Missouri. Go up above the Dearborn River and throw some hardware or a fly. Or go to Widow Coulee and hike upriver to fish for smallies.
The Charles M. Russel museum is pretty neat if you're into that kind of thing.

Drive to the RM front and commence wishing you lived there.

Anybody know if Harvest Moon Brewery in Belt has a tap room and/or tours? That would be high on my list if they do.
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Harvest moon has a minimalist if tap room that isn't staffed unless u bang on the door and find some employee who happens to be in the nearby brew area. I only had success (1/3) tries during a M-F times lot during regular business hours. It was cool and super cheap, just frustrating on earlier tries pn to not find an employee.
Second on the CMR museum - but growing up in GF, I've always been a fan. No one has really mentioned the incredible fishing on the Missouri between Holter Dam and Craig.
I'll add the Mighty Mo to the list of breweries (downtown near the Adam & Eve store ;)). Check out the Celtic Cowboy for some Irish food.

As a side note if you do try fishing the Missouri below Holter...don't be afraid to toss a crankbait or a Rooster Tail. The flyfishing snobbery gets a little thick up there and needs to get knocked down a peg from time to time. :D
I recommend the CM Russell museum. I thought it was pretty cool the one time I made it there.
Forgot about the cmr, always wanted to go so thank you for that. Sounds like the sip and dip is on the agenda as well. I plan on bringing a few different rods so will try hitting up various locations. Just have to see what time allows. Thanks to all for suggestions.
Worked in Great Falls the last two days, along with taking in the CMR Museum, Lewis and Clark center by the falls, and the buffalo jump at Ulm. All are worth the time.
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