Ithaca 37
New member
We'd only walked about 1/4 mile when Scout went on point. I walked up to her and about twenty chukars flushed! BANG! One down. Bang! Another one goes down. Two swing down below me, curving around the hill and I see a chance to get them both with one shot. BANG! Only one drops, the other acts like I didn't touch a feather. Scout makes three great retrieves. We head in the direction the chukars went and after about 100 yards Scout starts acting birdy and then picks up a dead chukar and heads back to me. I didn't miss him after all!! Scout's about 40 yards in front of me and returning with the chukar when she swings around and locks into a beautiful point with the chukar in her mouth, steady as a rock!
This is great! Everything has to be just right for that to happen and it only happens about every other year. Scout usually retrieves about three hundred birds a year---so you know how rare this is!!
I walk up to her practically shaking like a leaf I'm so anxious not to blow this shot!
The bird flushes and I swing and shoot! BLAM! Down comes the chukar!! Scout lays down the chukar in her mouth and runs to retrieve the one I just shot, brings it to me then goes back for the other one.
She's cool as a cucumber about it! Another perfect retrieve and we sit down for a talk.
I pet her and hug her and tell her she's the best bird dog in the world and she says, "Thanks, but let's get going. We've got to get three more for a limit and I think I know where they are. "
Pretty soon she's birdy again and I can see her homing in on some scent when she locks into a beautiful point. I walk up, a covey flushes and BANG, BLAM, BOOM!! Three shots and three chukars fall out of the sky !
Three more retrieves and we head up the hill where my buddy just came into sight.
He has a Lab and hasn't seen a bird yet. While he's telling me about it Scout goes on point about a hundred yards away. We walk up to her and a covey flushes. He shoots, connects and Scout retrieves while the Lab runs around smelling all the bird scent. Well, we got my friend a few more birds before it was time to head back to the truck and meet up with our other friend.
Great day and the kind of hunt where everything goes better than perfect!
I wish you all coulda seen it! It makes all the work to train a pointing dog well worth the effort!!
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-11-2002 08:53: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>

The bird flushes and I swing and shoot! BLAM! Down comes the chukar!! Scout lays down the chukar in her mouth and runs to retrieve the one I just shot, brings it to me then goes back for the other one.
I pet her and hug her and tell her she's the best bird dog in the world and she says, "Thanks, but let's get going. We've got to get three more for a limit and I think I know where they are. "

Pretty soon she's birdy again and I can see her homing in on some scent when she locks into a beautiful point. I walk up, a covey flushes and BANG, BLAM, BOOM!! Three shots and three chukars fall out of the sky !
He has a Lab and hasn't seen a bird yet. While he's telling me about it Scout goes on point about a hundred yards away. We walk up to her and a covey flushes. He shoots, connects and Scout retrieves while the Lab runs around smelling all the bird scent. Well, we got my friend a few more birds before it was time to head back to the truck and meet up with our other friend.
Great day and the kind of hunt where everything goes better than perfect!
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-11-2002 08:53: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>