Caribou Gear Tarp

Great blog post by Ben Long

Just curious guys...Is this topic the most important to you when it comes to casting your vote?
Just curious guys...Is this topic the most important to you when it comes to casting your vote?

It's one of the most important. Yes.

Energy policy is heavily influenced by public lands

Agriculutre is heavily influenced by public lands

National Security has a public lands component

And our freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is directly proportional to being able to access public lands.

Plus, land management and wildlife management are inherently democratic in nature.
Looks like last week, the SFW/BGF folks showed up and now are trying to deflect the truth that Ben Long posted a couple months ago. Any of you who have not read Ben's column should go to the link and read it. Very pointed to what is in store as SFW spreads its "SFW Model of Wildlife Conservation" to other western states.

Notice how not one SFW/BGF post refuted what Ben put in the column, rather some bassackward attempt to rationalize what SFW has done to lay the pipe to regular hunters and somehow justifity the socialism comments attributed to Don Peay, Founder of SFW.

To hear Ryan Benson talk about the "slippery slope." If you find the slope to be slippery, odds are he and his pals greased it with SFW/BGF super lube.

When I get my desk cleared from time away, I need to go post something to rebutt that drivel.

For those wondering about the pro-Don Peay comments from Keith Mark, SFW/BGF is connected with Keith Mark's TV show, McMillian River Adventures.
I answered Ryans post. What a tool. He goes on how sportsman are losing opportunity because of predators, but has no clue as too where we sit in relationship to our objectives. I doubt he would know that or care. Whining about laws doesn't sell memberships. SFW preys on the simple minded people and wolves are a easy scapegoats where that's concerned.
Caribou Gear

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