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Great blog post by Ben Long

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Ben posts here on occassion. He just posted his blog entry over at High Country News. Very good stuff.

Thanks for taking on this issue and the insanity it represents.

I cannot imagine the "spin control" efforts Peay and SFW must have to employ these days. He might be well served to listen to my Grandma's advice - "A closed mouth gathers no foot."
When you find cancer you have two choices, fight or die.

You might die anyway, but you should never go out without getting bloody.
A very good article, you are very fortunate to have public lands, i hope it will always remain that way.
This bit made me chuckle 'This is a uniquely American idea. In Europe, wildlife is considered the property of the landowner or nobility. Hunting and fishing -- what little remains -- is entirely in the hands of the elite.'
Not quite accurate, but almost, and i have never ever been described as elitest;)
If you guys want this to go viral, put it up on Facebook. I am friends with some of you on there, but the social networks will do much to help our cause, especially the ones who don't use places like Hunttalk.
If you guys want this to go viral, put it up on Facebook. I am friends with some of you on there, but the social networks will do much to help our cause, especially the ones who don't use places like Hunttalk.

I did that yesterday, at the same time I posted it here. I think my FB friends have tired of me posting things like this. I may have reached the "tune him out" phase. :eek:
I did that yesterday, at the same time I posted it here. I think my FB friends have tired of me posting things like this. I may have reached the "tune him out" phase. :eek:

No you haven't. I also shared Ben's article.
I shared it on my Facebook and I've already got an anti Obama hunter friend that is complaining about the EPA and Obama shutting down powerplants. He's voting for anybody but Obama........sadly that wasn't my point of sharing the blog.
I shared it on my Facebook and I've already got an anti Obama hunter friend that is complaining about the EPA and Obama shutting down powerplants. He's voting for anybody but Obama........sadly that wasn't my point of sharing the blog.

Yup, same here, but a different issue than power plants.

More evidence of the death of any sort of critical thought here in America. It's amazing to me how many people believe if a guy has a R/D after his name he can do no right/wrong.
Yup, same here, but a different issue than power plants.

More evidence of the death of any sort of critical thought here in America. It's amazing to me how many people believe if a guy has a R/D after his name he can do no right/wrong.

I think you nailed the problem right there.
Yup, same here, but a different issue than power plants.

More evidence of the death of any sort of critical thought here in America. It's amazing to me how many people believe if a guy has a R/D after his name he can do no right/wrong.

You have hit the bullseye on that one. So long as hunters look to the R/D, we let ourselves and our issues become pawns in the bigger game played by the R's and the D's.

I think the death of critical thought you refer to is also present in the greater breadth of our entire society. People are so busy just trying to scratch out a living, raise the kids, pay the mortgage, etc. that by default, they rely on other sources to help them form opinions on issues. I understand that, but wish it was different.

I get these kind of replies on my FB posts also. I try to use them as opportunities to push the notion that hunters and anglers need to press our topics with both parties. Neither one of the parties on a national level have much, if any, connection to hunting and the conservation benefits that hunters have brought to the landscape. A few do, and those are ones we need, regardless of what party they come from.
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