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Gravy Train Through High Cotton

Yesterday proved the veracity of several quotes from the collective book of
colloquial wisdom.

“Better lucky than good.”
“Even a blind hog finds and acorn every now and then.”

My son Gareth drew a youth permit for an area that dedicates half of the available permits to youths 15 years of age and younger.I have been applying him for it since he became eligible. He finally drew the last year he was eligible.

When we pulled off the interstate the thermometer read -16. We drove around for an hour or so trying to find a likely spot to hike in to.

The temperature had risen to -4 when we left the truck and began hiking in @ 10” of snow.
We covered @ 3 miles through the day. Deer were on their feet and visible most of the day. We saw lots of does and he passed on opportunities to shoot or stalk several small bucks.

We hiked back to the truck and began driving out while discussing whether we wanted to get a motel room and hunt the following day. That conversation took a dramatic and abrupt stop as I spotted a couple of does feeding close to the road in the waning light. This buck came squirting out of the thick juniper hot on the tail of another doe.

Not how we expected this hunt to turn out but we’ll take it. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😄View attachment 249921View attachment 249922View attachment 249923View attachment 249924
What an amazing season! Still time left too.
I finally got a chance to read this thread. It's a long thread, but surely worth reading every post.

Congrats, Gerald. And big thanks to the folks who helped you. Happy to see your season come together the way it has.

I know the odds of me drawing a sheep tag are really low, so I hope you Hunt Talkers can keep the ball rolling when you draw your tags next year. There have been some amazing sheep hunts posted on HT the last few years.
@Gerald Martin congrats on a beautiful 🤩 ram!!! and the cow elk! Your son killed a heck of a buck! You have reached the legend category I believe on HT, @Big Fin can we change the well known member to legend?
You have had probably one of the best seasons I’ve ever had the opportunity to hear about. Congrats again to you and everyone involved!
Sheep hunts (any hunt for that matter) are only epic if you make sure to share them with friends and family.
Your's was truly epic.
Incredibly well done!
Incredible hunt, incredible ram, and so cool to spend it with good friends. And, that’s a great buck your son killed. What a season—I can’t imagine ever topping that. Good things for a good guy. Congratulations, Gerald.
Gerald awesome year! Congratulations on many levels and congratulations to your son on a beautiful buck! What an amazing story and memory to share with good friends!

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