Gravy Train Through High Cotton

What a season for you and your sons! Looking forward to the conclusion!
I have enjoyed both of your stories immensely! I imagine being there might even have been better!
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1982C48C-9A8C-4594-A840-123CB89B44B3.jpeg7DC706C6-9F06-4B09-86F6-129CCCE4B3EE.jpeg97B77C63-18A9-4CAE-89BF-89229F9AC895.jpegF69CBD71-46BE-4B84-90A2-7FE3CB1F8D28.jpegCC35967C-FC78-4C20-8D47-9CFC7A3949EF.jpeg80BC5D38-A906-498F-8861-0D9499A2F4DA.jpegThe elk hunting success with my sons slowed my sheep hunting schedule down by half a day.

When I rolled up to our glassing spot late Monday morning, Travis, Brandon and Grant were already watching rams. One ram in particular had been hanging out just across the wrong side of the unit boundary the previous evening and all morning.
Five minutes before I arrived, he began moving into my unit. Typical of so many rams in the pre-rut he was cruising on a mission to find ewes. We watched him move across the valley and disappear into the cliffs at the top of the next ridge.
We were discussing the merits of crossing the river and trying to find him, but with the ram out of sight and multiple other rams and sheep herds in sight we decided to stay put and watch for the afternoon.
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Darn good so far! Amazing MT allows you guys to hunt sheep well into the rut. I talked to an Idaho bio about longer seasons here the other day and they basically said it would be too easy and they would have to cut the already small number of tags
After the ram that we gave the moniker “Rocket Ram” (for multiple reasons yet to be disclosed) disappeared, our attention was captivated by yet another group of rams.

I would have packed up my gear and been in pursuit of this ram immediately had he been in my unit, but unfortunately he needed to move about 500 yards before I could hunt him. For now all we could do was watch and enjoy the show.

Darn good so far! Amazing MT allows you guys to hunt sheep well into the rut. I talked to an Idaho bio about longer seasons here the other day and they basically said it would be too easy and they would have to cut the already small number of tags
There is at least one or two units I can think of where some folks choose to wait until late November and glass/kill their rams from the road
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