Gravelly Range Closure: Grizzlies

The paw print on the trail up Moose Creek toward the Wall in the Bob Marshall was that of a big boar griz feeding off a dead horse that had been dragged down off the trail. There were caution signs along that stretch warning of "high probability of bear encounter".
We hiked several more miles that day than we had planned prior to setting up our camp.

Hey Carnage (or Straight Arrow) - Do you happen to be a weed-sprayer-yielding cliff-repelling stud? I found a small patch of back country knapweed next to a trail. I'd spray it but it is on steep talus above a large cliff and I don't know how to rope up. After this exchange it would be embarrassing to my survivors if my carcass became a bear hazard.
Hey Carnage (or Straight Arrow) - Do you happen to be a weed-sprayer-yielding cliff-repelling stud? I found a small patch of back country knapweed next to a trail. I'd spray it but it is on steep talus above a large cliff and I don't know how to rope up. After this exchange it would be embarrassing to my survivors if my carcass became a bear hazard.

Ha! That’s a negative on the cliff repelling for this guy.
Hey Carnage (or Straight Arrow) - Do you happen to be a weed-sprayer-yielding cliff-repelling stud? I found a small patch of back country knapweed next to a trail. I'd spray it but it is on steep talus above a large cliff and I don't know how to rope up. After this exchange it would be embarrassing to my survivors if my carcass became a bear hazard.
I have been known to mass murder knapweed colonies ... but never dangling from a rope on the face of a cliff. However, I would gladly provide you with the sprayer and contents ... and even drop it to you with a rope from above your death-wish cliff. :D

Rob, the rapidly repelling ridder of "obnoxious" weeds.
Caribou Gear

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