Yeti GOBOX Collection

GPS "Corner crossing " rules State by State


Jul 24, 2010
Prescott Az
Greetings, Last week I posted a question about using the Hunting GPS maps to access checkerboard Public / Private lands by crossing at intersecting corners.

The State I was inquiring about was Wyoming, and It seemed to be the conclusion that it was trespassing per the Fish and Game dept. and the local county Sheriff Office.

Are there any official court cases that uphold this policy, or is it a county by county decision.

I understand the County Sheriffs Office position because the residents of the County elect the Sheriff.

Where does the Wyoming Fish and Game receive its direction from?? State law???

And how are the other States making there policy.

I can only speak about Arizona, but neither I ,or the fellow hunters I talked to here, have heard of it being illegal. ( it doesn't mean its not just that we haven't heard of it being enforced )

What have you guys heard about this in your home states, Maybe we have some Lawler types that can shed some light. Thanks

Is there any Official court cases that set the precidents
WY Game dept will not cite for corner crossing.
WY Sheriff deputies will cite.
There is no "state law" making corner crossing explicitly illegal.
Latest corner crossing legal battle was won by the corner crosser, however, the precedent was good in that jurisdiction only, not state wide.
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The G&F was quoted awhile back saying they won't cite you for corner crossing. Regarding the sheriff's dept, it all depends on which county yer in. One county may not cite you, the next one might. If cited, its the Judge's call whether yer guilty or not. Roll the bones and try yer luck...
Call the County Sheriff and the Prosecutors Office for the county you want to hunt in Wyoming. As stated above, the G&F field staff are under orders by higher ups not to issue tickets on alleged corner crossing complaints. However, you might get cited by the County Sheriff staff if they know the County Prosecutor will prosecute it if a person enters a not guilty plea and takes it to court. This can also change from year to year since people come and go in those two elected offices and you need to know the stance that the present office holders have on corner crossing to be safe.

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