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Gotta Tag for Wy.

Well one of these days he may decide to make a trip to Wyoming for elk and if he does, come on over and one of these days you will also put in for Wyoming and the same goes for you. Come n over.
Hell, it will be here before you know it.
Alright I suppose you Elk hunters should start telling me what I'm going to need, since this is my start real elk hunt. I have a gun and a strong desire to succeed at taking my first Elk are one He_ _ of an experience. Which ever I think I'm going to enjoy it veery much.
I wish Flipper would change his thinking a little and start thinking positive. He needs to get excited about something. Well I hope he finds somthing soon.
MEATHEAD: Congratulations on the draw!! When you decide where you're going to hunt, I may be able to help a "little". If you choose the western part of the state and are around Lincoln County, I'm more familiar with that part of the state. Good luck!! - memtb
memtb, Lincoln county is were my freinds hunt. I have hunted waterfowl there. I have a good freind that is/was (deployed) the cheif of police in Cokeville.
You wouldn't be hunting anywere near there would ya?
Black Timber, I'm not yet sure where my wife and I will hunt this year. We really need to start learning this part of the state, but really miss hunting north of Cokeville. -memtb
Cool, that is all you need to say. I didn't draw my elk tag so I guess I'll have to sit out this year...again

Anyway that is were we were planning on hunting. I'll probably be up there this fall anyway just to take a look and scout for next year.
Hey Bill & Martin...I just recently aquired an Wy elk permit....do you guys have room for one more
Well I have decided...barring the worst case scenario...that I am going to go, if I can get Martin to wait until the last possible minute to purchase his airline ticket.

If the wife could only read what I just typed
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