Gotta love an honest Guide ;)


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az

Well everyone, I just wanted to post a thread on here to say that since living in Arizona I have met and hunted with some fine folks. I have been associated with some great guys and wonderful organizations here. I am leaving in July for Colorado. My wife and I have purchased an outfitting business in Colorado and we go to take it over in July and start hunting the end of August. We are already booked solid this year but are looking forward to the 2008 season as well. I will be back and forth from Colorado to Arizona to do shows and what not. So for any of you that I have hunted with or been associated with I wish you the best in your endevours, and hope you reach all of your personal and professional goals. For those of you that I have bumped heads with, well you'll just have to find another head to bump. So shoot straight! and I will see you in the woods.
Adventures In Motion (A. I. M.)
Arizona Extreme Archers

You can't eat a un-punched tag!


The house that we are buying is in a community called Bayfield which is east of Durango. But I have units 74,75,76,751. Lots of elk, some big monster mulies, and more bears than you can shake a stick at. I will post something on here when we get up there and get established. I would love to have you guys come up and hunt. The really cool part about all of this, is that it's all done by horseback, I've missed being able to do that for a while now.
Thanks to everyone and I will keep in touch.
Adventures In Motion (A. I. M.)
Arizona Extreme Archers

You can't eat a un-punched tag!

And heres the punch line

Del wrote:

"Did you sell Arizona Outfitter and Guide Service, I hope you told the Guys who worked for you, I am sure they will be wanting to know why they are unemployeed all of a sudden and you wouldnt want to screw any of your customers. "

Not to worry Del, he sold them out last Fall, during the late season elk hunt in 4B. Unfortunately, he took them to the cleaners, and the trip continues. Let me count the ways he "screwed" (as you so pointedly put it) his partners and a client. Maybe this information will help others understand your opinion of Dysinger, and validate those opinions.

1. He booked and collected eleven thousand dollars for two elk hunts and allegedly did not share a penny of that with his "partners" Terry Herndon or Blake Lanoue. In fact he, allegedly never told them about the second hunt which was a referral from the first client. He instructed both clients to make checks out to him rather than the company. His excuse was that he needed cash for supplies, and that after the supplies were furnished he would send the remainder of the money to the company. Then for payments after the first his excuse was that it was easier for bookkeeping purposes for him to process the money.

2. When questioned about that after the hunt began, he claimed to have "quit" the company because (Terry and Blake) allegedly were not carrying their fair share of the company expenses. This turns out not to be true, but what the hell it sounded good. He "forgot" to mention this before the hunt and actually had clients sign contracts with Arizona Outfitter and Guide Service and then would not provide client with a signed copy of the contract.

3. Guided a client for deer without having a guide license. And then pleaded with the client to lie to the Game and Fish Officer conducting spot license checks. (According to records reviewed to date) And then lied to his partner Blake about the events that took place during this deer hunt.

4. Guided a client in 4B without Forest Service Permits.

5. Arranged guide services in 6A without Forest Service Permits.

6. Spent two days in 4B having client glass 4A for elk.

7. When questioned about that, assured the client that the dividing line was a road on top of the west side of Chevelon Canyon, rather than the bottom of the canyon where the client thought it was. Guide????? He had no idea of where he was supposed to be "guideing."

8. When asked by client to look at maps of area.......the "Guide" had none. "Don't need maps" was the response.

9. Selected an elk stand for client on opening day that was less than 60 yards from a road....And then he (Dysinger) complained about vehicles being on it ruining the hunt. (Note: it took 90 minutes to hike to this stand in the dark from where the truck was parked.......90 minutes to walk THROUGH possible elk holding habitat only to set up 60 yards from a road that "Guide" Dysinger DID NOT KNOW WAS THERE) GUIDE???????? We could have parked the truck on the road and walked 10 minutes to get to the same spot.

10. Claimed to be part of Arizona Outfitter and Guide Service and promised to use "their people" who were scouting the area weeks ahead of time. Showed up on 1st day with no help, no camp and worst of all no idea where game was located in unit.

11. Instead of receiving help from Arizona Outfitter and Guide Service, he had to recruit help from out of State and area sources that had no idea where they were. Of course, the reason supplied was that he had no use for the people involved with Arizona Outfitter et al. and would not pay them to help on the hunt. Truth turns out that they severed their relationship with him prior to the hunt and he did not tell client until it was too late.

12. Explained to client that the reason no bull elk were seen was because the client was not able to leap tall buildings with a single bound, scale vertical peaks and descend into deep canyons to "look" for them. "Extreme" hunting was the ONLY way to the elk !!! Seemingly forgetting that before the season opened he told client that he "knew" exactly where the "380" bulls were and that client would have an easy hunt and be tagged out by the afternoon of the second day of the season.

13. Forgot that for the fee of five thousand five hundred dollars that client could expect to be provided meals.......imagine the client's reaction to being told on day three that the noon lunch was a MRE...(military rations) only...for three people. By the way....we need to save it for an emergency the client was told.........Hmmmm. (Client had to make and pack his own lunches on day one and two)

14. Brought radios on hunt, but Ooops......batteries were all dead.

15. Spent most of the time riding around "looking" for elk and getting familiar with area. That took quite a bit of time without maps. When not doing that he set client up glassing in Unit 4A.........Oooops tag was for 4B......oh well, no problem.

16. Set client up on stand at dawn overlooking 4A, which he claimed was part of 4B........then remained in same spot all day, walking the surrounding area like in it was a shopping center, then decides to call it a day at 3:30 PM and head back to camp.

The list goes on, but in my opinion Mr. Dysinger made a disgrace of the word "Guide." Embarrased Arizona Outfitter and Guide Service. "Ripped Off" a client. Took advantage of the name Arizona Outfitter and Guide Service. Then disgraced the company with his comments about the partners. Was not in any way prepared to guide on an elk hunt which cost the client his 10 elk points and over seven thousand dollars.

Then, after the miserable experiance, when the client asked for a refund of $2500.00.....he ignores the situation and tosses the situation back on to the shoulders of Arizona Outfitter and Guide Service. He puts them in a position of liability and scoffs at the idea that he is responsible.........This EVEN after another guide allegedly told Dysinger to refund the client ALL of his money, because he (Dysinger) was obviously not prepared to conduct a quality hunt or ANY hunt.

Lest you think that is all.....there is much more, much more........Like leaving client and his son alone in the pitch dark on the second night. Fortunately the client's son was better able to navigate at night than the guide. Hmmm, gee radios might have been nice.........OR how about spending hours and hours during the day in camp practicing HIS bow shooting and conducting bow target shooting contests for his buddies rather than humping the woods looking for elk for the client.........Or........spending hour after hour extolling his military exploits rather than discussing plans to salvage the hunt.......OR how about the fact that my son used valuable vacation time and spent a lot of money to fly here from Virginia to join me in what was probably my last elk hunt. How about him (my son) bringing a ton of camera equipment to film this rip about your empty promise to take him bear hunting after we finished up on elk in two days....oh yeah, lots more.
Dysinger, lots more. You just don't give a damn about anybody but yourself.

"Understand" this Dysinger, my son is a better hunter than you will EVER be. He is a better outdoorsman and survivalist than you will ever be. I hired you ONLY because of your wild butt claims about how you would provide a FABULOUS HUNT for elk for us, and then take him bear hunting. You did neither! We did not need you...we furnished our own accomodations, we furnished our food.......we could have and should have done the hunt ourselves.

What you did is without excuse, disgusting and reprehensable.

Now a bit of "house cleaning."

Terry........I sent you a note last week asking you to call me. You did not..OK, I understand. Your lawyer told you that you should not talk with me as I was going to sue your company..........Well, what I wanted to tell you was that unless Dysinger draws you and Blake into the lawsuit by claiming that you knew about both hunts and received some of the eleven thousand dollars he collected (I don't think you did either).....then I have instructed my lawyers to remove you and Blake as well as Arizona Outfitter and Guide Service as named parties. You and Blake work way to hard; and do way to much good for the hunting community to yourselves be pulled down into the muck and mire of a lawsuit that is the result of one person's character and actions. One person only.......Dysinger.

Dysinger............thank you for providing the news about your Colorado
venture. My lawyers were pleased to see assets available to buy a company up there.......But then with 11K, a lot is possible.

Also, thank you for providing the name of your new home town. That will save the Process Server a lot of time.

(I guess you will never learn when to keep your mouth shut. Your ego is just way out of control)

I'm sure by now you know the Forest Service is about to "come knocking" with fines etc for guiding on Forest Service land without obtaining permits.

Has Game and Fish spoke to you yet about guiding clients in areas where they have no permit to hunt?

Just out of curiosity.....did you report the eleven thousand dollars of cash income you collected last year to the IRS and the State? I may have to check that out......ya know kind of as a good citizen.

And just so you are not surprised.......the package of complaints filed with the Forest Service and Game and Fish will be forwarded to Colorado's jurisdiction.......including the Colorado Dept. of Natural Resources at:
Southwest Region Service Center
151 E 16th St, Durango, 81301; (970) 247-0855

Until you make this situation right Dysinger, I will hound you everywhere you go with ads in papers, letters to magazines, postings on boards and every single legal option available to me.

Lest any readers think I am stupid enough to post this information on a public forum and subject myself to a libel and slander action....without proof of every assured that there are witness statements on file that substantiate every word. Not only that but there are GPS coordinate records of almost every step of the "hunt." Not to mention the Forest Service investigation records.

You want to sue me Dysinger, bring it on.......In the end I will own your Guide Service Operation in Colorado as well as a portion of every dollar you earn doing anything for the next 15 - 20 years.

I know these things because I was the "client."

Dysinger..........I tried to be considerate and not bring all this "dirty laundry" out in public. But your high faluting bull s%$# about your big deal operation in Colorado was too much. My guess is that you had to go to seemed pretty much "finished" in Arizona.

You can run to Colorado, but you can't hide from your past.

Feel free to respond lawyers are waiting to see what you have to say at this point. That might save them the trouble of taking your deposition!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's do a little math........I was solely responsible for putting eleven thousand cash dollars in your pocket. You were woefully unprepared and ill equipped to guide an elk hunt. I ask for a twenty five hundred dollar refund (which is 22% of the total) you ignore the issue and think "business" will be as normal? For you certainly, but not for me.

Sorry, things just don't work that way. In the end, by the time you finish paying legal fees, you may look back and see what a bargain $2500. really was.

By the way, I'll give you a chance to show our board here what type of person you really are......I'll reopen the $2500. offer to you and eat my legal fees to date. I'll give you a complete release for all the fraud, misrpresentation and breach of contract........and you will be finally doing what you should have done a long time ago........apologizing to your partners Terry and Blake and making the situation "right."

Just send me the check. My guess is you will not. If you do I will post that information.

I wonder if you will take this opportunity to finally "man up"?

PS>>If you are wondering why the lawsuit has not yet been filed....Don't get comfortable........For reasons you probably can't understand, I elected to wait until the Forest Service and Game and Fish completed their investigations. That time is fast approaching.

Jeff Never owned this guide service he just worked for them for a short period of time, then pulled a fast one.

I know Terry and Blake personally and they wouldnt do anything like that, Terry and Blake donate more time to helping hunters than most people ( almost up there with you oscar ;) )
ALL I have to say is WOW........

It was like a Movie build up !!!! I only read 1% of Posts that are longer then 10 sentences but this one I read every line. I have no clue why he would offer the 2.5k up again. Get it all back. Of course stories always have 2 sides, but the one side posted was lopsided !!!

WOW !!!
You should have heard the guy on the telephone a month after it happened, Wow I felt for the guy big time and he was pissed, some of it was so far out there I couldnt believe it actually happened however knowing the area they hunted really well only he would know.

I wish the guy would sue the guy for every dime personally.

The outcome will be insteresting ;)
Holy Smokes! AZHoyt was a big wheel in the AZOD bow hunting section! I had no idea that this guy was fraud and POS! I can't imagine anyone taking advantage of Terry and Blake. Especially Terry! Terry's one heck of a guy and not someone I'd want to piss off! I'm very curious about the outcome of this situation.

Thanks for the heads up, Del!
A big wheel LMAO ,dude a deaf mute could be a big wheel in the azod bow section. any section for that matter.

Terrys a hell of a nice guy, even though we have butted heads a few times, he would give you the shirt off his back.
Sounds like a long process!

Terry definetly seems like a great guy, I hope he gets everything figured out.
Man....I'm speechless after reading this. Any idea of the name of the new outfit he bought up in Colorado? I want to make sure all of my friends, and everyone I know steers clear. I like southern colorado and some of those units...I'd hate to hire him for any type of packing or camp services. This is the main reason I never, ever, use a guide.


Cheers, Roadtrip
I think this story should be in the next season of desperate house wives... The blonde could be the hunter... The homo kid of the red head could play the part of AZHoyt.

I would watch...
if any of yu guys knew DungSlinger you would crack up.
did you know he was the only person that saw bigfoot alive twice in the same state. and he reported it to the forrest service,

check this link out

and there are a few more too

McCuistion's encounter came on Oct. 23, 1994, at about 1:30 a.m. He was trying to sleep in a cold camper near Mount Massive when he heard two enormous bellows next to his camper. "It sounded like a really huge man," said the former Marine, a Vietnam combat veteran. "It was loud enough that it was almost like you could feel the sound." A third focus of reports centers on the Pike National Forest, where Foster has investigated a series of sightings to the west of Colorado Springs, and where big-game guide Jeff Dysinger reported two encounters in as many years. In September 1998, Dysinger and another guide were packing out four clients when a large bipedal animal jumped off a bank in front of his startled horse and disappeared down a hillside.

A year later, Dysinger was bow-hunting alone one morning when he watched a 7-foot-tall reddishbrown ape through binoculars in clear light for several minutes. "I've been hunting all my life," said Dysinger, an Army vet and a hunter since the age of 12. "I had some of the best optical equipment money could buy. At 150 yards you're not going to miss too much. Unless there's a 7-foot-tall gorilla running around this part of the world, there was nothing else it could have been." Heicher and Division of Wildlife bear biologist Tom Beck aren't so sure. While the high country is certainly able to swallow up large objects, like any number of plane wrecks, they believe a lot more people ought to be reporting evidence of Bigfoot. "Eagle Valley is very popular with lion hunters and bear hunters who use dogs," Heicher said. "They're out there all winter looking for tracks. These guys are pretty knowledgeable woodsmen, and I've never heard a credible report out of them."

Its must be the freach clean rocky mountain water ;)
"I had some of the best optical equipment money could buy. At 150 yards you're not going to miss too much. Unless there's a 7-foot-tall gorilla running around this part of the world, there was nothing else it could have been." Heicher and Division of Wildlife bear biologist Tom Beck aren't so sure.

I have never met or heard of this guy, but that quote gave me a good laugh. Thanks.

This guy seems like a real B.S. artist so I did a internet search.

Below was a post from earlier this year on from Dysinger:

I am looking for someone near or around Nashville that has some good turkey hunting on it. I am coming in for the opener and my favorite spot just sold. I am from TN origionally and now I live in Arizona where I owned and operate a guide service for Elk, Mule deer, Couse Deer, Javelina, Black Bear, Antelope, and merriams Turkey. If someone wants to do some swapping I am all ears. I will be staying in Franklin with my folks while I am there and will be hunting around Dickson and WhiteBluff.So if anyone wants to talk give me a call at 928-856-1034 or you can E-Mail me at [email protected]


And he apparently donated to the AZ Elk Society this year a "guided" turkey hunt in TN.

Jeff Dysinger Prescott, AZ Tennessee Turkey- 3 Day/1 Hunter

How would you like to win a guided Turkey hunt with him and he doesn't even have a spot to hunt?
Whats funny Curley is the guy is not from tn he is from PA orginally. Well at least thats what he told the people he worked for that knew him best.
Man the web of lies this boy is in keeps getting thicker and thicker.
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