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Gotta do what ya gotta do.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2016
central pa
Having bought a used Ruger 77 MKII in 25-06 a few weeks ago, i've been looking for cases with no success.
While at a flea market last weekend, one vendor had 20 handloads in an MTM case for $20.
No info on what the handloads were.
Today i pulled the bullets to find they are 120gr flat base soft points.
Powder a very compressed 57.0gr.
Unfortunately, without knowing WHAT powder it is, it is now lawn fertalizer.
Gently deprimed. Look to be CCI primer just by comparing to the primers i have on hand. Don't know if magnum, or standard large rifle though.

Even lubed, cases felt like they were neck sized only.

Fair bit was removed with a Lee 25-06 case length gauge.
Primer pockets uniformed. Flash hole deburred.

Given current prices on ammo, $20 wasn't too bad.
What felt bad was spreading the powder over the lawn.
Just neck down and trim some 270 Win brass. Shouldn't be too difficult to find.. Or from 30-06 brass..
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I resize 280 Rem brass for my daughter’s 270 Win. Can be done with any 30-06 parent case, but the further that you size them down the thicker the case neck
And the fewer reloads before split necks unless you anneal them. I size things down frequently, but I’ve found that they often need neck turning and I’ve started annealing anytime I size down. I actually find it to be an advantage since I get to increase the neck concentricity by neck turning on non-tightneck chamber without having a ton of clearance. That said, it can turn into a lot of work.
I'll keep an eye out. Lots of people around here leave the brass on the ground.
Well, i finally got some cartridges loaded up.
120gr Sierra HPBT GameKings over RL19.
Loaded a ladder test of 10 rounds & 10 rounds of a middle charge to sight scope in with.

Went to the range yesterday.
Bore sighted on a 25 yard target. Didn't need to adjust scope to get on paper at 100 yards.
First shot & only had to adjust the Burris 1/2 inch right.

Shot the ladder, and found it likes 50.5gr of powder.

Slower than what max charge would be, but that's the accuracy node.

Ran a few wet patches through last night. Good cleaning today.
With the exception of my 6.5x55 every cartridge I have is based on either 308 of 30-06 case. Just to easy to find those cases. I'd though about rebarrelling a rifle to 250-3000 but then went looking for case's. Seem's they do not exist. That rebarrel is being done now but it's a 260 Rem. For me, the difference between it and the 6.5 CM is easy to find 308 case's. Some guys said the CM could be made from 308 case's but I know 260 case's can be!
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