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Got two for the beginners!

congrats! ithica its always great to help others and pretty self rewarding when its turkies!! great job!!!:D:D would love to see some pics!!!

i noticed on another thread that your lacking the Osceola for the grand slam if your ever in central fla. and want to make that happen lemme know!
DKO, Thanks for the offer. I'll let you know if I ever get to Florida.

This was one of those hunts that went perfectly. My friend Bill had seen turkeys when we were deer hunting and his son, Clint, had never seen one. We arrived at our hunting area Friday afternoon and started scouting. Didn’t find any fresh sign. Saturday morning we were out before daybreak listening at a different spot and couldn’t hear a gobble. We started hiking and calling and couldn’t get anything to answer. I was starting to get concerned by about 8 AM when we finally got an answer. We quickly set up with both of them out in front of me about twenty yards and about twenty yards apart. He only gobbled once more and then clammed up when a low flying crop duster went over us on it’s way to some fields on the ridge behind us about a mile away. I worked on him some more for about 45 minutes and then gave up. We regrouped and I gave Bill and Clint some advice on their set ups. They had both done well, but had their gun muzzles pointed up at 45 degree angles and they would have had to lower them if a gobbler had come in. They were disappointed about the gobbler not responding and coming to us but that was perfect. I wouldn’t want any new hunter to think this was going to be easy. That bird was a good “dress rehearsal” for the next chance. Just then we heard another gobble back where we had come from. I told them that was one that had come in looking for us quietly when he had heard my calls from back there as we were starting.

We hustled back about 300 yards and got in position. He cooperated by gobbling a couple more times so we knew right where he was and set up about 100 yards away, both guys out in front again. He gobbled at my first yelp and then a couple more times real quick and closer each time so there was no doubt he was coming. Bill got the shot and only knocked him down for a second and the race started. I had forgot to prepare them for this situation so they were still sitting when I went flying by them yelling to them to join in the chase. I saw the turkey go into some thick brush and got around in front of him while I directed Bill and Clint how to surround the thicket and then told Clint to slowly sneak into it while Bill and I covered the escape routes. About a minute passed and we heard Clint shoot and yell he got him. Clint had seen the bird’s head stick up from behind a log about twenty yards away where he was laying and bleeding. I’m sure his wounds were fatal, but it’s always best not to take a chance with a wounded turkey and that whole experience was a great learning lesson for a couple of first timers. Bill tagged him and we walked back to the truck and took some pictures of the two year old bird with a six inch beard. I was telling them to hurry the whole time because by then it was 10 AM and I’m saying we’re coming into prime time to hear another gobble so let’s get organized and get another one.

We drove up the road about a mile to the next spot I wanted to try and walked about a half mile thru a clearcut to a ridge and got an answer on the first try. Only problem was that the turkey was about 500 yards down a steep hillside from us. About ten minutes later we were set up 200 yards above him with Clint out in front and Bill and I hiding in some brush where we could get a good view of Clint and where I thought the tom would come in. He was gobbling about every minute so I figured he’d come in fast and he did. My first yelp got us a triple gobble and then another one about each 30 seconds, every one closer. He showed up about 50 yards in front of Clint strutting and gobbling and fanning and putting on a great show. Clint took his time and waited until he was 25 yards out and rolled him. Bill and Clint didn’t waste any time getting after him this time but he wasn’t going anywhere. About a four year old bird with a 9 inch beard. By the time we got back to the truck it was noon and I said we’d get one for me the next morning.

The next morning we couldn’t get an answer at all, no matter what I tried. That was good. I didn’t want them to think this was too easy and they got a real good understanding of what turkey hunting can be like. I’m not concerned about getting a turkey and getting a couple of first timers into good gobblers was more fun and a hundred times harder than getting one myself, so the hunt was a great success!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 04-22-2002 17:13: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
That sounds like you had to much fun with the boy's. I think we have two more converts into this great sport we call hunting. I say this for all of us. Thanks!!! :D :D :D
That was a great story Ithaca, and smiles on their faces tell a story as well. Give yourself a well deserved pat on the back, you did good.

Great story and awesome pics! Man am I jealous! Those guys are sure lucky to know you. Some day I'll go on my first turkey hunt. I can't wait! :D Thanks again for the nice story. It's so great to see happy faces with their kill! Way to go Ithaca


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