got snow @#)(#?

That'd be them. 'Twas just curious if you new them. I do know they've killed quite a few chukars in that area and they sure miss the pheasant hunting that was there back in the day.
there atre a few mounted in the elko musuem, I would like to try to get atleast one, but I dont want to go up there and have to come back unsecseful............LOL

The game Biolgist here in town goes everyyear to come back unsucessful, but he does see them he likes to shoot on the wing, no ground sluising for him
I'll see if I can get some more pics from BOY, he's killed 4 in the last two years! Two of them are at the taxidermist right now.
Thanks, JLG.

For the rest of you, on my way back to AZ from birdhunting ID in Nov I happened to stop at the Ruby Lake Wildlife Refuge. I talked with one of the Dept of Wildlife guys there and he gave me a ton of info on these birds. He's hunted them 12 years without success. They have maps available of all the confirmed sightings (mainly for birders). He said the birds are extremely wary and will not hold for a pointing dog. If anyone would like more specific info, shoot me a PM. I'd love to chat. One day I will take one of these birds... :)

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