here is the spring grizz I took last year, not the biggest, but nice color on it. Can't wait till April to try it again. I hope the picture worked it took a lot of cutting to post it
Nice Rug man !!!! Someday one of them will be in the works for me. What I need is Someone willing to let me go on a Hunt to Back them up in the field that will also let me keep the rug..... (Keep your ears out for anyone like that )
I got this blonde one this past Sept up near Chicken.Long story short she was chasing Caribou and chased the bear and lost her only to turn around and have running at me.Shot her at 70 yards in the head just above the right eye hence the blood.Sorry about that as I dont like bloody pictures like this.Dude you know your allowed two grizzlies a year in that area right? They sure are thick from what I hear.
Daniel in AK
That is going to make a nice rug, I seen that you can get 2 grizz over there by Chicken. Wonder if you could PM me about the trail condtion up around chicken area, looking at heading up there for caribou and maybe a grizz, never been there. Thanks Steve