Caribou Gear Tarp

Got my deer back yesterday.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
He was done quite a while ago, but there was a mix up on the form, so it had to come off and go on this one. I am happy with it. How does it look to you guys?


Just for old time sakes. :eek:
Very nice, I missed it before. It looks bigger with you holding it too! The field picture with it is great. That's my 0.02. Congratulations!
That, my friend... is a huge deer :D :D

Nice mount, is that your Garage ? You're not keeping it in there with the ping pong table are you ?
Nice mount, is that your Garage ? You're not keeping it in there with the ping pong table are you ?
Hell no, they dropped it off at my office. The ping-pong table is for stress relief (mostly gas development headaches). :D
good luck in Kodiak you ugly bastard
...and good luck to you in MT, lickbag hump
wow, nice deer!

.....but there was a mix up on the form, so it had to come off and go on this one. I am happy with it. How does it look to you guys?

i'd be pissed.
i'd be pissed.
I was a little pissed at first, but people make mistakes. Not the end of the world. I was still thankful to have taken the deer, along with the memories, even if it is wearing someone elses cape. :)
Mt, the field photo is awesome. The mount looks good. Serious question though...are you sure that is your cape? I look at the markings on the mount, for example the nose, and in your field shot the buck has pronounced dark patches on either side. At the same rate, the mount has dark hair around the eyes, the field photo does not. I could see where the taxidermist might have done some additional air-brushing with the eyes, but how do you remove the patches around the nose? Maybe schmalts could answer that question since he has some taxidermy experience.

Oh, and as the others stated, good luck with the Kodiak hunt. I'm stoked for you guys.
got any pics of the other mount?
Looks great. Thats just a really good solid buck all the way around. How is he getting along with the other bucks in the house?

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