Caribou Gear Tarp

Got my 2012 mount back


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
SW Wisconsin

Just got my buck back that my 4 year old boy and I got hunting on thanksgiving evening .I also got him officaly scored and just missed boone and crockett because of the broken browtine.Final net score was 159 2/8", he grossed 170 1/4" typical and had 4 inches of nontypical points for a total of 174 1/4 inches gross. Happy with the way the mount turned out considering on how rough of shape the cape was in from him breeding and fighting and damage to the shoulder area from his g2s working licking branches.
Anyhow what is kinda odd to me is this buck I got in 2008 scored 174" nontypical net wich is how I got my username.Must be a good number for me I guess
Stickery looking buck. I'd think about changing my screenname to something higher with that kind luck. Great bucks!
Scars and broken tines give character, in my opinion. Never cared much for net measurements since seems odd we expect nature to be perfect. A few days in the woods looking at crooked trees and winding streams and oval boulders reveals symetrical is not typical. I had 3 bull elk at 170 yards a few years ago on a rifle hunt. All 3 bulls were mature and over 340" gross. One bull had a couple of "bumps" on one antler. Was not the largest gross or net bull in the bunch but the antler had character. I presume the bull had injured the antler during velvet and while healing the bumps formed. Easy choice for me. Congrats on your buck and good luck in the woods this year, too.
You will have a really hard time topping those. Most huys will never see one that big on public land in WI let alone kill 2 of them.

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