Caribou Gear Tarp

Got a blackie tonite...

bling bling

New member
May 18, 2002
B.C, Canada
...well, not me, but my friend did.

We're gonna go skin it now. Spotted from the road, made a nice barefoot stalk, I'll give details tommorow.

Time to go get my hands dirty!
WELL.. We sat in a friggin treestand for over 3 hours 6:30 - 9:30 and NO-GO for us.... Although I was Camera man, Didn't get to shoot nothing..... :(

KUDOS to your friend !!!!
Thank you all for your congratulations. He is a very happy bear hunter.

We were driving down a logging road, heading down a hill, coming into a clearcut. I, in the passenger seat, looked to my right, and thought I saw something black. We stopped as quietly as we could, about 300 feet down the road. We got out, loaded our rifles, and walked back up the road. When we got to where I thought I could see from, we spotted something black. It was about 100 yards off. We could only see the top 1/3 of whatever it was. Then, a small pine tree moved, and then it was followed by the black object moving. We instantly knew it was a bear. It was just over the brow of a small hill, so it was out of sight again. Since we had to cross 100 yards of small gravel to close the distance, I suggested we lose the sneakers.

We started across, in our socks. There was little, or no wind. We got to where we could almost see over the hill. I then spotted the bear's head & neck, testing the wind. It was about 15 yards away. It looked decent to me. It told my friend to "pound him", or something along those lines. He killed him once with the safety on, then realized it was on. He flipped it off, and fired, sending a 300 gr. Trophy Bonded Bear Claw on it's way. At the impact, the bear started off down the hill, and then I fired with my 416 Remington. At the time, I didn't know whether my bullet, or the muzzle blast knocked the bear down! As soon as I fired, the bear was down, after a leap and a half. There was a fairly good blood trail from where he first stood. We waited a few minutes to be safe, then went back to get the truck. It was a medium sized sow, rather skinny(like all spring bears), but my friend was happy, it was only his second bear ever.

We loaded it into the back, then remembered to take a picture. Pictures of animals in the back of vehicles rarely look good, but it was too late. I took a few pics, then we headed down the road again. We ended up getting all turned around, but made it home before dark.

When he was skinning it last night, he found a bullet in the left hind leg, right above the paw. It was all pussed up and gross. It looked like a wound from last year. The remains of the bullet was just the jacket, the lead core was gone. It weighed 45 grains. I took a micrometer to it this morning, and it is a 7mm bullet. That guy was a hell of a shot! My friend's bullet entered behind the left shoulder, hit the right leg just below the shoulder blade, and left a 1" exit. That 300 gr. bullet smashed the leg bone in two. Very impressive, considering bear bones are like concrete. We found no trace of my bullet. He was very happy to finally take an animal with is Winchester M70 Stainless/Synthetic 375 H&H Magnmum. It worked great to say the least. The hide squared 6' 1/4, with no stretching. I'm sure it will shrink quite a bit after tanning. He plans on making a rug out of it.

We have no way of posting pics on the internet, any suggestions? :confused:
Cool story..

To post pics if you have a scanner or digital camera you can send pics to elkhunter, Me , and worthless nut.. one of us will host them for you...

Very good story blingy. It is always nice to read a good story. Like Del said, if you need the pics posted, you can send them to us and we will host them for you.
I musta hit the back button to quick and my last post didn't hit the board. Great story. We love stories..... :D :D :D

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