Caribou Gear Tarp

Gospel Hump

Elk Turd

New member
Feb 15, 2001
Boise, ID, USA
Back early from our Elk Hunt.....

Drove up friday to the Selway Zone in Idaho. Hiked in 3.5 miles and set up camp. Rain and snow for 2.5 days and only one elk bugled back at us. It was weird, did not spook any elk or deer the entire time. We humped it all over the mountains and hunted hard.

Got a blizzard sunday night and hiked out monday. Ran into a few people that said no one has seen elk and only one deer came out. They all said the wolves have taken all the animals. 5 years ago in the winter grounds they would see 200+ elk, last year they saw 10 elk and one calve. Some locals we ran into on the way out (working on a phone line) said they will not hunt the selway zone because of the wolves. I wish someone told us that eailer!!!!!!!!!!!

Short hunt, but we sure did give it our best!

When we wouldn't see anything, we would ask "What would Moosie do?" and do it. We hunted up high, down low, in the think stuff, in the thin stuff, steep country, deep timber, nothing.....So Moosie, what would you do?????

After I get pictures back I will post them. Kind of crazy with the snow and packing in!

Hope other people have better luck! (Besides Moosie..)
Some locals we ran into on the way out (working on a phone line) said they will not hunt the selway zone because of the wolves.
Thats Why I got skunked Fishing last week !! Fuggin' Wolves ;)

Seriously though, I wish I had your Answer. Thats why it's Hunting and not shooting eh ?

Just think of your hunting as a Chitty wet camping trip that you get to pack your gun along on. And if you see something or get a wack at it thats a Bonus .... I'm just glad you're back in the office. I love you man !!!!
There are pretty much wolves all over Idaho. Hunting here sucks, and nobody should even try. I suggest Arizona/New Mexico/Utah/Nevada/Montana/Wyoming....

Hey ET,
I got new waders this year.... And then I tore them up in Alaska.... And then I aqua sealed them.... And I tested them this weekend.... And I think they may not leak as bad as my old ones....
Yeah ElkGunner, I know, excuses are like a$$holes, everyone's got'em and they all stink! Kind of like "it's too hot to hunt, the elk are all up high, they are all in the dark timber, the wolves have eaten them all......."

I kind of liked you old waders, just walk in the snake river with pants on! :)

I wonder if the wolves have eaten all the geese this year too??????

The hunt was acutally fun because we hike in and saw no one, but it would have been nice to see some elk!
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