Caribou Gear

GOP Seeks to End Hunting, Approves Ryan's Plan to Sell Public Lands

Nope. Nobody owns wildlife. The individual states are entrusted with the responsibility for wildlife within the state. Here we go again. Try to get it straight.
Actually Ried passed the law that the states do own the wildlife and have 100% control of the animals. That happend after USO sued Arizona,
How much of the federal land out there is landlocked and unuseable by the public anyway??Not for selling it but if we can't use it anyway maybe we could use it to pay back some of the debt Obama has created.and, since Dems won't allow any drilling,it could help some people out with jobs by selling off and drilling.I like to hunt as much as anyone on here,but would rather see a better future for my kids then all the debt created by the democrats.So if some fed land has to go to help I'm for that.As far as giving big business tax breaks,I'm all for that too!!!If you can decrease unemployment with tax breaks go for it.Seems to me the republicans are trying to fix what the dems destroyed in the past 6 years.Maybe you should have been crying foul when all the spending was going on by your "Boy" Obama and we wouldn't really have to scramble to get out of debt.I'm waiting fr the day when we get some real people in office that work together instead of far right versus far left.good example would be the Clinton years where they actually worked together.So Jose, should we get rid of all the entitlement programs to get the country back on track or sell some unuseable lands?????I think Paul Ryan is smart enough to realize that the Dems will never allow drilling on fed lands of the west.So lets sell some and get some people back to work with high paying jobs which PAY taxes.I guess your solution is keep the ground,extend unemployment even more and more taxes to take care of those whom chose not to work.Sorry but my hunting will never come before the well being of the country and my kids future.
I'd like to hear your solution to the debt problem we have;this should be good!!!!!!!Even one of the biggest blue states in the country is now running ads for big business tax breaks to move your business there.Thats right its NY and they run on my TV all day are tax breaks for big business just a rep. thing??Guess again,and now those liberal states with too many people NOT working and in the red are begging for business to come there.I guess those liberals have finally seen the error in their thinking.Or maybe, you think the proposed $15 min. wage will help,lol.It will help add to unemployment.Shame on big business for not paying unskilled workers that much already;right,lol.I always wondered what you did for a living to be promoting such garbage all the time.
If you really think about it, it's not hard to see that the majority of folks would see this as a positive thing.

Many of the eco-elite type folks would gladly have the government sell off a bunch of BLM land that has cows on it that is earning $1.1 million over 20 years and the government is spending $900k+ to simply evict the guy off of it.

The part that folks won't really think through is that most of the management practices and expenses incurred by BLM and FS are going to still be there, they will just be working with the folks managing private land instead of working with folks operating on public land for a very small useage fee.

The eco-elite types would gladly trade a few million acres of rangeland that currently has livestock grazing it, oil leases, etc. to get a few more million acres designated as wilderness areas or better yet, some more national parks.

The only people that will really be affected by most of this would be the welfare ranchers and hunters and fishermen. And only hunters in western states, hunters in the midwest and east aren't going to care.

Not saying I agree with this at all, I can just see why it could actually appeal to a lot of folks.

Welfare Ranchers?? The reality in the west (real west not Texas) is the choice is cows or cabins. I'll take cows. Ranchers pay grazing fees and make improvements with water sources and fencing. Real conservation groups like RMEF and Nature Conservancy embrace responsible grazing as an important and reasonable use of public lands.

The guy in Nevada is a deadbeat squatter and the government should have acted 20 years ago when he first refused to pay his grazing fees. Personally I would issue tags for his cows and let people come and get em!

Federal lands belong to ALL Americans and I hope those in the midwest and east express that ownership interest.

By eco-elites I assume you would be talking about people like Teddy Roosevelt?
first, this budget crap is that. they passed a budget deal thru 2015. so, whatever garbage is in it, means nothing. just more government wasted time and money.

second, here in the east where we are not important until things like this come up, we want the government to sell off all these properties that we are paying for that are not being used. why are my taxes paying for an old army depot in new haven, indiana, that is now empty? sell the property.

just for grits and shins, how many of you out west wrote people(politicians)in illinois telling them to approve our concealed carry law? interesting what is important to some, but not others.
Fact of the matter is that the Ryan budget that passed in the House was never meant to have a chance at passing the Senate, it is meant to be nothing more than a spring board to launch political/election season talking points.
just for grits and shins, how many of you out west wrote people(politicians)in illinois telling them to approve our concealed carry law? interesting what is important to some, but not others.

I understand where you are coming from and respect your opinion though from my perspective, State issues, such as IL conceal carry laws are really the concern of those whom call IL their home. I would also hold a certain support of your state laws via my dues paid for NRA ILA... Your State House Bill 183 was a great win after the US Court of Appeals schnit canned the ridiculous IL gun ban.
On the other hand with a direct action, if there was something federal that you shared here as a weighted direct effect on you and I found myself in agreement - well, hell yes, I would be writing whomever in support of your cause.

On a separate note:
These darn wanna-be militia clowns are licking their lips... not for their due diligence in evaluating the history of the deadbeat in NV... rather Rosey Palm and her 5 sisters stroking the Daewoo version AR-15, wearing walmart China made special camo garb, crap beer burp to speech lingo getting all excited over Hannity's horse schnit inciting "journalism". Basically blue balled LeeRoy's belly bouncing their way to NV from Montucky or whatever rock they reside under. These 'toons' pervert the true meaning of state militias. Meh, entertaining to say the least... :D
These darn wanna-be militia clowns are licking their lips... not for their due diligence in evaluating the history of the deadbeat in NV... rather Rosey Palm and her 5 sisters stroking the Daewoo version AR-15, wearing walmart China made special camo garb, crap beer burp to speech lingo getting all excited over Hannity's horse schnit inciting "journalism". Basically blue balled LeeRoy's belly bouncing their way to NV from Montucky or whatever rock they reside under. These 'toons' pervert the true meaning of state militias. Meh, entertaining to say the least... :D

That just made my morning.
I don't think you can fill a room with people east of the Mississippi that have any clue what is going on with the BLM and the ranchers. I for one, am certainly glad calmer heads prevailed.
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