Yeti GOBOX Collection

Good writing

One of my favorites. Your link didn’t work, so here’s one that does so others can enjoy the crushing weight of guilt, responsibility, and dread that it imbues into the Christmas holiday.

I told my dad how much I enjoyed The Ledge - how it left me feeling something new and true and real. So he sat down and read it while my mom and wife and kids made lefse. It kind of put him in a bad mood and though it ain’t a happy story I was surprised. I don’t know if it is his age or what, because he used to like the heavy stuff.

I think of the last 4 words, “absolved of his morality”, a fair bit, and think that it’s beautiful and depending on one’s perspective there’s a lot to unpack there.
Let me know if this doesn't work. It's from an old Bugle. I read it often. It reminds me of my grandfather
Let me know if this doesn't work. It's from an old Bugle. I read it often. It reminds me of my grandfather

Says I need to request access.
A copy of "Critics and Criticism" by R.S. Crane, is inbound. For some reason Los Angeles got added to the Itinerary, (it shipped from Aurora, IL to Salt Lake City). If it doesn't go up in flames and makes it to Montana, I will let you all know if it is worth all the hype.
Again, trying to keep it short and if possible, available free online (with a link).
My intention with this thread was not necessarily to talk about good books. But to provide links to free online articles/stories that people found not just informative or entertaining, but genuinely well written and likely of interest to others.
Best thing I've read in that POS mag in a long while... because it was published in 2001.

Also, and because I really don't feel like making a bigger effort to find a better place to put this gripe, this site sucks right now. I used to be naive enough to think there was a middle ground in the country, and that I could best find it in the threads of HT. Where vastly different politics came to share common adventures. Somewhere that hunters could... you know, agree that public land is pretty cool, and wildlife is pretty cool, and catching trout on a dry fly is pretty cool. And that it takes more than just well wishes and unicorn farts to have those things. But all this #winning seems to have gutted that middle ground like a goddamn whitetail somewhere back east, on the opening day of gun season while 10 beers deep and using a rusty pocket knife. All I can say is keep patting yourselves on the back, you did it, you won the great pronoun war of 2024! To hell with the rest of it.
Best thing I've read in that POS mag in a long while... because it was published in 2001.

Also, and because I really don't feel like making a bigger effort to find a better place to put this gripe, this site sucks right now. I used to be naive enough to think there was a middle ground in the country, and that I could best find it in the threads of HT. Where vastly different politics came to share common adventures. Somewhere that hunters could... you know, agree that public land is pretty cool, and wildlife is pretty cool, and catching trout on a dry fly is pretty cool. And that it takes more than just well wishes and unicorn farts to have those things. But all this #winning seems to have gutted that middle ground like a goddamn whitetail somewhere back east, on the opening day of gun season while 10 beers deep and using a rusty pocket knife. All I can say is keep patting yourselves on the back, you did it, you won the great pronoun war of 2024! To hell with the rest of it.
Not the worst thing I have read (the article). Shew trees or Arrow trees or any one of a dozen other kinds of littering a pretty boring to me. But your post, now that is good writing.

Carry on, up, and over that gutted whitetail.
Best thing I've read in that POS mag in a long while... because it was published in 2001.

Also, and because I really don't feel like making a bigger effort to find a better place to put this gripe, this site sucks right now. I used to be naive enough to think there was a middle ground in the country, and that I could best find it in the threads of HT. Where vastly different politics came to share common adventures. Somewhere that hunters could... you know, agree that public land is pretty cool, and wildlife is pretty cool, and catching trout on a dry fly is pretty cool. And that it takes more than just well wishes and unicorn farts to have those things. But all this #winning seems to have gutted that middle ground like a goddamn whitetail somewhere back east, on the opening day of gun season while 10 beers deep and using a rusty pocket knife. All I can say is keep patting yourselves on the back, you did it, you won the great pronoun war of 2024! To hell with the rest of it.
That is a good article, as writing there consistently was back in the day. Then, suddenly, it seemed, like the hunting & fishing magazines, it became all about gear reviews, particularly mountain bikes at the time we stopped subscribing.

There was a great bra fence near a take-out on the Missouri, but someone got offended so they took it down. Shame.
Best thing I've read in that POS mag in a long while... because it was published in 2001.

Also, and because I really don't feel like making a bigger effort to find a better place to put this gripe, this site sucks right now. I used to be naive enough to think there was a middle ground in the country, and that I could best find it in the threads of HT. Where vastly different politics came to share common adventures. Somewhere that hunters could... you know, agree that public land is pretty cool, and wildlife is pretty cool, and catching trout on a dry fly is pretty cool. And that it takes more than just well wishes and unicorn farts to have those things. But all this #winning seems to have gutted that middle ground like a goddamn whitetail somewhere back east, on the opening day of gun season while 10 beers deep and using a rusty pocket knife. All I can say is keep patting yourselves on the back, you did it, you won the great pronoun war of 2024! To hell with the rest of it.
That was good @Irrelevant

....a distant cousin
