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Good goat?


Jan 17, 2010
Mountain Home


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I have an Idaho tag on the other side of the state, If I had him in range....I'd pull the trigger.
I'm not an expert by any means..I would say 75". Slightly above average lower mass, average prongs, weak tops. It's tough looking at these pixelated side angles where the horns "merge" together.
Well, what is the unit known for? Does F&G gather harvest measurements? I have not hunted pronghorn for five years and am rusty on filed judging but have a tag for this September in NV. I am guessing 15" and perhaps 70" measurements on the buck in the picture.

A nice buck pronghorn in many GMUs in many western states.
That is a great Idaho goat from what I've seen. He'd make a nice shoulder mount.
HAHAHA....screw the 'experts" ! Do You like him ?

Personally, my dream 1st buck would have a little more of a heart shaped curl, but brass-tacks Jack ? I'd probably tap a cap and not look back !
I believe that pronghorn will score 73 or better (gross score) there was a buck killed last year or the year before that was over 80 in unit 45 good luck.. pm sent..
About 80% sure I chased him with a bow last season during the early August hunt. But I did see one other similar looking buck on the opposite side of the unit. I only drew the unlimited hunt this year, but I'll PM you.