Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Good for you Botswana

He dreams of one day hunting a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep in Montana and hunting in Africa with his wife.
You think Rokslide could be convinced to adopt Buzz?

I really think he needs to be rehomed, he's just starting fights with all the other strays over here.
Right, they didn't like facts over there, really bothered them.
I missed your post because I blocked you too. The way you talk to people on HT and on Rokslide was demeaning and disrespectful, typical of immature people online. I doubt you would speak like that to people in person, it wouldnt sit well with most of us. It actually disheartened me to learn Randy put you on one of his shows because I respect him. I dont know your full background with hunting and conservation, but Im guessing it falls way short of what it could be considering how you think, talk, and act. Your comment quoted above just reinforces my opinion as you still havent come around to the ridiculous things you said in this thread. Dont bother responding to me because I wont see what you write anyway.
I have no idea what this thread had devolved to, but beef short ribs, while a bit challenging, are perhaps the best smoked meat; better than brisket, pulled pork, or ribs. But quality of meat matters. (That's what she said :>)
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I opened this thread for the first time this morning. I read the whole thing. I’m happy knowing that others have at least considered hunting dolphins. I also learned in another thread that a 7 mm 175 is only marginally stable at sea level in a 10 twist. I’ve never hunted at sea level so that information didn’t seem important at the time but I suspect to hunt dolphins, Its likely it will be at sea level. It actually won’t matter as I shoot a 8 twist but it might matter if I want to shoot the dolphin at a range which the bullet becomes sub sonic. But I don’t think I would shoot much past 600 because a dolphins brain is much smaller than a milk jug. I would eat the dolphin or at least try it but I also wonder if dolphins have ovaries? I mean ivories? It would be cool to have a dolphin skull like in that movie Jurassic park that I could use to call other dolphins. But would I be considered a trophy hunter then? I did once shoot a match that had a dolphin target and I’ve caught yellowfin and barracuda. Also I have a friend that is a fishing boat captain, I feel like all that makes me somewhat of an expert on the subject.
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