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Good for you Botswana

we all hunt for our own reasons. if i can't bring home the meat i just ain't gonna do it.

to each their own.
And maybe you think you're bringing home meat, but you aren't. When we went caribou hunting in AK, we were told "they were in the rut, won't even cut them up, they will taint our machines". This was never even mentioned anywhere in their literature. So it was given to sled dogs. And nothing against dogs, but I didn't fly, pay thousands, almost die due to poor equipment to feed dogs.

Comparatively, feeding natives and sustaining the economy and game populations in Africa seems pretty responsible.

And since I blocked @BuzzH long ago (one of the few) I don't have to listen to his rants.
That part. Not for me. Did it once. Have at it.
So one try and that one experience influences the rest of your life?

I'm just pointing out that so many of the generalizations being made on this thread are so rediculous and no better than the anti hunt crowd and Germany (where this thread started after all) generizating hunting in Botswana
So one try and that one experience influences the rest of your life?

I'm just pointing out that so many of the generalizations being made on this thread are so rediculous and no better than the anti hunt crowd and Germany (where this thread started after all) generizating hunting in Botswana
I'm not into guided hunts. Takes away the best part of the hunt for me. I've never felt so unfulfilled after killing an animal in my life like I did after that hunt. (Probably even less than shooting gophers with a .22 when i was a kid) Anyone who wants to go on one I've got zero problems with it. I go charter fishing for salmon almost every summer. Doesn't bother me one bit. Fishing isn't special to me like hunting is. I suspect they're are plenty of folks out there who are just the opposite that's what hunting guides are for.
So I guess myself and the other members who went to the UK to hunt with Richard @devon deer are assholes because we didn't bring anything back but antlers? Every. Single. One. of my mounts or euros are my personal trophies. So be it.
You're from illinois. You were already an asshole. 😉🤣
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If it's so righteous, why the need to justify it so hard? Blah Blah, helps the locals, pays for management. Same tired story.

It's a trophy hunt and those doing the hunts could care less whether it helps the locals or not. They could care less if the meat gets used, eaten by a hyena, or rots in the sun.
Your turn to be the 🤡
Attn @BuzzH are your friends that hunt Africa assholes?
Where did I say anyone was an asshole to have hunted there?

I guess if you go there I can't make that claim any longer.

Read my initial response to @bayoublaster7527, he's tired of antihunters calling trophy hunting, trophy hunting.

Well what is it when a hunter goes to Africa and brings back exactly no meat and only horns, hides and skulls to slap on the wall? Subsistence hunting? Putting food on the table?

Just be honest about it, nobody is buying the BS about helping the animal, feeding the villagers, etc. A lot of the meat on Safari's is sold to markets in town, not distributed to the locals living in grass huts at the local village.

Talk to some folks that live there.
Just like you don't care if an auodad gets left to be eaten by a coyote, rot in the sun, eaten, or used.
Is an auodad a game animal in Texas? It's livestock, I care as much about an auodad in Texas as I do about a domestic goat, chicken, hog, or cow that gets left out in the sun to rot, eaten by a coyote, or thrown in the dumpster. Can't care what someone does with livestock.

That's the hypocrisy I can't stand, shooting an exotic here on a trophy hunt in Texas, throw the meat away, you're an asshole only head hunting. Go to Africa, shoot a bunch of critters for lion or leopard bait, or to bring back some Ivory, horns, and provide neck meat to the villagers, well, you know, that's just how we do it. It's not trophy hunting! Sure its not.
Not calling anyone an asshole.

So sensitive.

It’s just hard for me to get excited when meat isn’t part of the equation. I’m not generalizing or judging anyone that goes to Africa or South America and I have no problem with it . That’s on you guys if you think so.

Its part of why I just can’t get into turkey hunting. So much effort for like three meals.

Is mountain Merriam turkey hunting awesome, worthwhile, super fun, and all that? Hell yeah it is. But I just can’t excited when the end result is a couple meals worth of meat.

To each their own.
It is pure ignorance to make any sort of judgement without having done it. Done it being to hunt international. And it is entirely up to you and your attitude that determines what you get out of it. Yes, you can go be pampered, do nothing, pull the trigger and get on a plane home and wait for a trophy from the hunt to show up and have your taxidermist dress it up so you can toss it on your wall. Or you can clear your mind of all expectations and embrace the experience and utilize it to create new friends, learn new things and become a better hunter because of it.

I would venture to guess that those of us on here that have fortunate enough to be invited by and join @devon deer in England are better hunters because of it. I'm sure those that have gone to southern Africa on a safari type hunt are better hunters because of it. I know I'm a better hunter having gone to Argentina.

There are substantial obstacles and difficulties with going on this type of adventure so I understand that it isn't fit for everyone. But if you have the means and ability to, I doubt you will regret it if you do your research and align yourself with an experience that will suit you.
With your ability to read sign, don't suspect you'll be getting a job in Africa anytime soon tracking gut shot game across the savanna and plains for $2 a day and a pair of coveralls a year.
You’re not wrong, but I find comfort in the fact that I’m better company, and women find me better looking, and better in bed, than you sir.
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