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Good bill would make blocking access hunter harassment


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2012
Helena, Montana
Finally, a bill hunters can get behind! SB 256, sponsored by Sen. Pat Flowers, D-Bozeman, would make gating public roads that lead to public land hunter harassment.

SB 256
would tie gating public roads that lead to public land to Montana’s hunter harassment law. Sponsored by Sen. Pat Flowers, D-Bozeman, this bill would address the problem we see around Montana in which some people create their own private hunting and fishing areas on vast swaths of public land.

This is a tough session, but this is a chance for legislators to stand up and show that they’re for public access as everyone claims. This is a simple bill that doesn’t cost money, but will address issues like the Hughes Creek Road in the Bitterroot Valley, which took years of legal wrangling by sporting interests to get open to restore access to National Forest lands.

The bill is up for a hearing tomorrow in the Senate Judiciary committee, and they need to hear from us. Please contact members of the committee and tell them to vote YES on SB 256.

PLEASE WRITE YOUR OWN MESSAGE, but include these points:

Montana has a hunter harassment law, and this bill simply adds blocking public access to public lands to it. Montana hunters are often forced to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars fighting these illegal road closures. Everyone touts their support for public access, and this is a simple way to show it by making it a crime to block these public roads leading to public land.

You can contact members of the Senate Judiciary committee and leaving a message to vote YES on SB 256.

  • Fill out the form provided.
  • Select Committees
  • Select (S) Judiciary
  • Select Bill Type (SB) and Bill Number SB 256
  • Select For
  • Provide your message

You can also call the state Capitol switchboard at 444-4800 and tell committee members to support SB 256.

For more complete reports, please join our Legislative Action Team, or go to our homepage and click on “Capitol Report 2021.”

Thanks for supporting MWF, Montana’s wildlife, habitat and public access.
This bill was heard Wednesday in Senate Judiciary, then tabled the next morning. It was our best chance this session to improve public access to public lands.
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