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GoFundMe for USFS Native Fish Biologist - Laid off 7 months pregnant

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Well, while having my morning pot of coffee, I decided to see what the strangers on the internet had to say about my life. I thought I'd create an account and chime in to give an update to those of you who care, and offer some advice for those who like to speculate, which I know is part of any online forum. This will likely be my first and only post.

First, I want to say thank you to all of those who have supported us during this setback. We appreciate all of the donations and advice from those of you who have taken the time. We are competent people and are exploring all of our options in terms of jobs and insurance, among many other things. The original post didn't include job leads because we don't intend to move (after about a dozen moves all over the country, we're over it) and we have either worked for or with all of the natural resource entities in our commuting area (and in about a dozen of other states), so we have connections. Also, did you know there's a thing called an email alert that will send you jobs you're interested in? Wild.

Second, I find it disheartening that folks want to talk crap and take advantage of others during a vulnerable and difficult time. My wife and I didn't ask for a donation page (actually quite embarrassed about it), didn't ask for it to be shared on here (thanks to @trb for spreading our story and @Big Fin for approving the post, they are good dudes just trying to help a brother out), and are of the mindset that we should take care of ourselves, which was our plan before dozens and dozens of people reached out offering their support and refusing to take no for an answer. We are fortunate enough to have a community that wants to share our story, support us, and understands the life burden of losing 50% of your income when you're about have a major life change. We're fully aware that this situation would be different if not for the pregnancy. Yeah, we will land on our feet and come out of this better than before, but the outpouring of support has propped us up during this difficult time. We aren't taking the donation amount lightly, and are extremely grateful for those who chose to donate their hard earned money to a random stranger. We plan to pay it forward on the other side because that's what decent humans do.

Having said all of that, I respect everyone's opinions on this and any other topic, and usually choose to ignore it. However, it was hard to stay silent in this situation. I just ask that you take your negativity elsewhere and go spend your time doing some good for your community instead of spending your time behind your screen, speculating on others' lives.

Again, thank you to those of you who have supported us, and I wish nothing for the best to those who disagree. Best of luck with your tag draws and stay safe in the coming seasons.
Praying for you and your family, @kirk. We're rooting for y'all.
At the request of people involved, they want this thread closed.

The ability for folks to feel it is important to try convince others the righteousness of their opinion, no matter how important an issue, amazes me. A simple post of a friend trying to help a family, has to turn into a pissing match of others proclaiming how a family should handle their situation.

I try my best to keep this place as an alternative to those who have tired of Facebook, IG, and Twitter. Yet, no matter how hard we try, some folks just have to tell the world how they are right and the rest of the world is wrong.

Sorry it has come to this, but at the request of those involved, I am closing this thread.


But a good chunk of them start doing thst 30 year countdown. Retiring in your 50's is a pretty good payout. Combine that with 5-6 weeks of vacation, tons of sick leave, coupled weeks of federal holidays, and until now, a job not subject to any whim of politicians or economy.

That's not a good or bad, but let's not pretend that side of those jobs isn't a huge driving force

30 years of permanent service (no temporary seasonal work count toward retirement) and age of 57 is needed to qualify for retirement (for non fire or LEO positions) for those born after 1970. There's a whole lot more that goes into calculating the actual annuity but that's for another thread.

Employees receive 4 hours of sick leave every two weeks (2.6 weeks a year).
The first three years of federal service an employee earns 4 hours of annual leave. Between years three and 15, an employee earns 6 hours of annual leave (3.9 weeks a year). After 15 years, an employee will accrue 8 hours per two weeks.

There are 11 federal holidays. Many employees will work some of these holidays, especially seasonal employees.

Federal employment has been subject to the whims of politicians in the sense that new administrations can enact hiring freezes which stall promotions, transfers or other opportunities. Employees are also subject to changes in Congressional priorities which can impact funding for ongoing projects.

Are other people outside the federal workforce taking jobs and not considering the benefits package?
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