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GoFundMe for USFS Native Fish Biologist - Laid off 7 months pregnant

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I was trying to say thank you to @INMT In that response.

Couple things though on your comment about not saving enough for 3-6 months and I'll preface it with this is no lack of empathy for anybody who gets laid off. Not a fun place to be. I hope the folks in this situation are able to get it sorted out. At 40 hours a week that would leave you plenty of time to find something on the side or a side hustle whatever until you get yourself a safety net built up. If you can't do it and put aside a little money. Might not be the best career choice. I agree a lot of jobs are not keeping up with the cost of living, not by a long shot. However, I can't imagine spending the time and money to obtain that 4 year degree to willingly take a job that doesn't allow you to build some kind of buffer. That is if course unless your comfortable taking the risk of being in this exact position.
This is fair, but keep in mind that most of these folks at the land management agencies were a couple of months into their first full time, year round permanent position. This was their first real opportunity to be able to start building that cushion, or even be eligible for benefits. Working as a seasonal for years, you are not building much of anything financially.
This is fair, but keep in mind that most of these folks at the land management agencies were a couple of months into their first full time, year round permanent position. This was their first real opportunity to be able to start building that cushion, or even be eligible for benefits. Working as a seasonal for years, you are not building much of anything financially.
I don't want to keep derailing here. But seasonally you can usually do some thing in the off-season, no?
I will donate another $10 for every comment making asinine remarks about people's work ethics or choices. We should strive to offer assistance to our neighbors in need, rather than passing judgment.

Let's come together as a hunttalk community and show our support. If you are able to help, please do so, and if not, let's move on without the holier-than-thou financial comments.
That's not what I said. But that's about the response I expected. People can have a 2nd job for a year or two before they start a family. Never said don't have student loans either. Life is taking a series of calculated risks. Taking a job that doesn't pay your bills and starting a family without any sort of savings is pretty risky. I'm sure that's not realistic in your world either.🤷‍♂️
So many misconceptions!

The norm for most these days is a degree...or two...an entry level job...then working your way up.

They give up private sector higher wages (these folks are well educated that's feasible for many) for something that they love and the promise of moving up later....and what used to be a bit more job security with decent benefits. In many cases they are not allowed a 2nd job if they could even make that work.

May be 40 hours of pay but many work more than that as well.
I will donate another $10 for every comment making asinine remarks about people's work ethics or choices. We should strive to offer assistance to our neighbors in need, rather than passing judgment.

Let's come together as a hunttalk community and show our support. If you are able to help, please do so, and if not, let's move on without the holier-than-thou financial comments.
I was trying to think of a response along these lines..Well done. This is pretty basic, look at the first post on this thread folks!!
I have to throw something out there for all of you. Today's working mindset isn't what it was 50+ years ago. We didn't need a college education to become successful. I was driving truck for 8-10 bucks an hour and my 18 year old wife worked at a roadside flower stand. We worked hard, we put her through medical school and she became a Respiratory and Cardio pulmonary therapist. I drove truck and maybe made it up to 10-11 bucks an hour. Later on she was severely injured at work and eventually got disability retirement. I was making 15 bucks an hour. I think the point I'm trying to make is that you play the hand your dealt and make the best of what you have. Trim your budget and live within your limits and enjoy what you have.
Adjusted for inflation, your $10.00 an hour in 1975 is equal to $59.05 today.
Adjusted for inflation, your $10.00 an hour in 1975 is equal to $59.05 today.
It was a few years before that but that's not relevant really. $60.00 per hour including all the benefits that are now expected is still around $70.00 an hour LESS than what a union driver would be making.
However, Monte Vista is a rural area, and given Kirk's job and the fact that they just bought a house last year (a fixer upper that Kirk has worked his ass off to renovate), moving for job opportunities as they have over the past 15 years isn't an option at this moment.

DWR has an office in alamosa and I have a lot of contacts at DWR.
Unfortunate situation. Fortunately, getting laid off qualifies her to be added to her spouses insurance
Not only that , I believe she is allowed to continue her insurance for 18 months under COBRA?
#Preexisting condition exclusion
I would if I could, but I'm a retired Park Ranger living on small pension & SS.
Make SURE your COBRA will cover more than 6 months (mine) and your not left midyear with no options.

Wish you only the best.
I contributed on your behalf.
She's 7 months pregnant , Capt. Empathy. Slight hurdle in jobseeking with maternity leave and other minor inconveniences.

She's 7 months pregnant , Capt. Empathy. Slight hurdle in jobseeking with maternity leave and other minor inconveniences.
Yes, it's a hurdle, but hurdles are everywhere in life. You have no idea if I gave or not...I'm glad you feel like giving more to someone who literally is taking advantage if you read the last post about how they had it at 7K and then raised it to 30K...too "maintain the incredible and unexpected momentum". That in my book is disgusting. You take what you need, not what you can get ! It's like a poacher who shoots 4 deer when he only needs 2 to live on. I hope she does find a job and if you even understood what I wrote before it was about insurance and the fact this thread was about giving and not about asking if anyone had any leads on jobs even. I'm not sure how you got I have no empathy from that, but hey, you do you I guess....
I'll donate, but here is a trick which may help also. We moved when my wife was very obviously pregnant, as was a friend of hers. Her old boss told her to apply for unemployment, as he had paid for it his entire career. Obv, no one was hiring pregnant women who would go on leave in a couple of months, so they drew unemployment until it ran out.

Don't feel a bit bad about it considering the amount we've paid in taxes, etc. over the years.

I'm not a lawyer, but this seems to indicate that unemployment is available.

My LinkedIn feed this week has been full of former federal workers on the outdoor side - Forest Service, National Park, etc saying they were fired and looking for work.

I’m not sure what the non-Fed job opportunities are in those fields. Any job openings are going to be flooded with applications.
Here's a general hypothetical question. When Trump/Musk administration first announced that there were going to be mass firing across the Federal employee work force they were offering a buyout instead of eventually being fired. At that point I'm wondering why non-essential, (non-essential to Trump/Musk) didn't take the money and run?
Donation sent. I know it doesn’t make this situation any better for the folks feeling the pain, but I have to think they are going to have to hire back on lots of these folks once people start to realize things aren’t gettting done.
Here's a general hypothetical question. When Trump/Musk administration first announced that there were going to be mass firing across the Federal employee work force they were offering a buyout instead of eventually being fired. At that point I'm wondering why non-essential, (non-essential to Trump/Musk) didn't take the money and run?

Seems like an actual question, not a hypothetical, so I'll give it a shot keeping in mind the request to keep this non-political. I can try to go into details on specific points if needed.

- This is the career these employees have worked toward for years (school and years of temporary seasonal time)
- Lack of trust in Musk to follow through on the offers based on his Twitter history (he didn't pay)
- Lack of clarity if the offer is legally valid from a Congressional standpoint (even if Musk wanted to pay, is there a legal mechanism here?)
- The 'money' offered (25-35k for most), if legal, isn't enough to make someone walk away from their career on two week's notice
- Many of these 'non-essential' to Trump/Musk employees work 6 or 8 months of the year and are currently in non-pay status. Employees in non-pay status that elected the 'buy-out' were fired anyways and will receive nothing.

Hope this helps.
Here's a general hypothetical question. When Trump/Musk administration first announced that there were going to be mass firing across the Federal employee work force they were offering a buyout instead of eventually being fired. At that point I'm wondering why non-essential, (non-essential to Trump/Musk) didn't take the money and run?
I've read many stories of people who did, but were fired anyways. There was never an official agreement executed for the buyout, they had just replied "resign" to the email, but nothing was binding yet.
Well, while having my morning pot of coffee, I decided to see what the strangers on the internet had to say about my life. I thought I'd create an account and chime in to give an update to those of you who care, and offer some advice for those who like to speculate, which I know is part of any online forum. This will likely be my first and only post.

First, I want to say thank you to all of those who have supported us during this setback. We appreciate all of the donations and advice from those of you who have taken the time. We are competent people and are exploring all of our options in terms of jobs and insurance, among many other things. The original post didn't include job leads because we don't intend to move (after about a dozen moves all over the country, we're over it) and we have either worked for or with all of the natural resource entities in our commuting area (and in about a dozen of other states), so we have connections. Also, did you know there's a thing called an email alert that will send you jobs you're interested in? Wild.

Second, I find it disheartening that folks want to talk crap and take advantage of others during a vulnerable and difficult time. My wife and I didn't ask for a donation page (actually quite embarrassed about it), didn't ask for it to be shared on here (thanks to @trb for spreading our story and @Big Fin for approving the post, they are good dudes just trying to help a brother out), and are of the mindset that we should take care of ourselves, which was our plan before dozens and dozens of people reached out offering their support and refusing to take no for an answer. We are fortunate enough to have a community that wants to share our story, support us, and understands the life burden of losing 50% of your income when you're about have a major life change. We're fully aware that this situation would be different if not for the pregnancy. Yeah, we will land on our feet and come out of this better than before, but the outpouring of support has propped us up during this difficult time. We aren't taking the donation amount lightly, and are extremely grateful for those who chose to donate their hard earned money to a random stranger. We plan to pay it forward on the other side because that's what decent humans do.

Having said all of that, I respect everyone's opinions on this and any other topic, and usually choose to ignore it. However, it was hard to stay silent in this situation. I just ask that you take your negativity elsewhere and go spend your time doing some good for your community instead of spending your time behind your screen, speculating on others' lives.

Again, thank you to those of you who have supported us, and I wish nothing for the best to those who disagree. Best of luck with your tag draws and stay safe in the coming seasons.
So many misconceptions!

The norm for most these days is a degree...or two...an entry level job...then working your way up.

They give up private sector higher wages (these folks are well educated that's feasible for many) for something that they love and the promise of moving up later....and what used to be a bit more job security with decent benefits. In many cases they are not allowed a 2nd job if they could even make that work.

May be 40 hours of pay but many work more than that as well.



But a good chunk of them start doing thst 30 year countdown. Retiring in your 50's is a pretty good payout. Combine that with 5-6 weeks of vacation, tons of sick leave, coupled weeks of federal holidays, and until now, a job not subject to any whim of politicians or economy.

That's not a good or bad, but let's not pretend that side of those jobs isn't a huge driving force
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