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GoFundMe for USFS Native Fish Biologist - Laid off 7 months pregnant

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Sad story. I haven't heard the answer to this, but I'd guess they feel there is no opportunity for COBRA benefits? I thought they were all but required to carry you over a bit for a month or two.
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Sad story. I haven't heard the answer to this, but I'd guess they feel there is no opportunity for COBRA benefits? I thought they were all but required to carry you over a bit for a month or two.
"Yes, insurance is being figured out now and likely covered as a qualifying event through Kirk's job with CPW." Post #7
my wife got laid off last summer, 3ish months before our second was born. really she wasn't laid off, i guess, rather, the entire division in her company just literally got cut off like an infected appendix, c-suite didn't want it anymore and didn't think it was worth the effort to sell the assets and products to a competitor. all 800 or so of em, VPs and all.

i can empathize with how this can feel. certainly i still had my job and we have a lot of money saved, so, money wasn't a concern, but seeing that coming maternity leave (pay) vaporize in a day was really difficult at the time.

finding a new job (she did) during that period was very stressful, starting a new complicated job during that time was very stressful, coming back from maternity leave (she did get maternity leave again) to a new complicated job while we're all trying to figure out new childcare issues, IS very stressful.

even if it all works out well, it's very stressful. i definitely hope donations can ease any financial and/or purely mental stress.
It's a shitty deal. Layoffs suck. I realize I'm walking a line with this one so...

But there are folks in mining, timber, O&G and all the support industries that are attached that face this all the time because one team takes blow torches and chain saws to their livelihoods as well, cheered on by many of us.

Having been through this more than once because of team sports, it simply sucks.
It's a shitty deal. Layoffs suck. I realize I'm walking a line with this one so...

But there are folks in mining, timber, O&G and all the support industries that are attached that face this all the time because one team takes blow torches and chain saws to their livelihoods as well, cheered on by many of us.

Having been through this more than once because of team sports, it simply sucks.
You crossed the line of being a jerk.
How? He said it sucks when people get laid off from team sports? I'm not trying to derail this, but I think we can all agree it does suck, regardless the team. I think he was just saying he can relate??
Maybe I’m misinterpreting what he wrote, but I read it as a veiled jab at folks who don’t 100% support mining, timber, O&G, etc.

It seems like a really poor way to bring a political bent to someone’s unfortunate situation.
Maybe I’m misinterpreting what he wrote, but I read it as a veiled jab at folks who don’t 100% support mining, timber, O&G, etc.

It seems like a really poor way to bring a political bent to someone’s unfortunate situation.
Not how I read it at all. I read it like he was lamenting that no matter who wins/loses there's a group actively rooting against their fellow Americans. I think he was pointing out this is a two way street and both lanes head towards the shit+$?.

PS: donation inbound.
It's a shitty deal. Layoffs suck. I realize I'm walking a line with this one so...

But there are folks in mining, timber, O&G and all the support industries that are attached that face this all the time because one team takes blow torches and chain saws to their livelihoods as well, cheered on by many of us.

Having been through this more than once because of team sports, it simply sucks.

I wouldnt say thats entirely true. People get seperated into political teams quick, but individually (for anyones family) i dont think anyone wants to see it regardless.
If I’m misinterpreting then I completely apologize @whatnot

You owe me zero apologies, if there's confusion it's on my decades of using F bombs to convey my thoughts and not coherent sentences.

We, myself included get pretty excited about ideas that support whatever our beliefs are, then your neighbor gets laid off, and your kids friends move for dads new job, or your hunting buddy starts fire selling guns to pay the mortgage(obviously I speak from experience) and the idea gets smacked in the face with reality.
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I certainly don't want to minimize the importance of loosing a good job no matter what the reason. I grew up in a different environment. I drove truck, sometimes seasonal, sometimes just a short lived project where everyone was hired and fired at the start and the end. Moving from job to job was no big deal. You live with it and go find another. I fully understand that it was in a different time and I can sympathize with a surprise job loss and the stress that is involved especially expecting a child and the turmoil that comes with it.
It's good that these real life stories are being shared. For too long, gov employees have been viewed as faceless, nameless people who are lazy, incompetent and mooch off people's tax dollars. In my experience, at least in the natural resource world, nothing could be further from the truth. I've watched for over 30 years, people go so far above and beyond their 40 hour workweek and work well beyond the scope of their duties, without compensation, because they truly believe in what they do. The stories of what people have had to sacrifice and the education they had to earn just to get an entry level job are endless. And as some have pointed out, even a 30+ year career gives no guarantee of a competitive wage or a pension you can actually survive on.

Last Friday, I saw a single mom lose her job through no fault of her own, without any notice or severance. This woman spent 20 years raising a son by herself, while she worked a series of retail jobs. When her son was old enough, she decided to go back to school and get a degree in wildlife science so she could pursue her dream job as a biologist. She put herself through college in her 40's, while working at Home Depot. Before she graduated, her hard work and references landed her an internship at a federal land mgt agency which led to a term position after she graduated in her mid-40's. Within the last year, she moved halfway across the country to take her first permanent job at a fish hatchery, and she was glowing with pride that she had finally "made it" as a professional working in her dream job. Her dreams were crushed on Friday. Not only is she suddenly unemployed, now she is homeless because she was living in gov quarters. Will she be okay? Of course she will, because she has shown her worth and resilience over and over again, and she will once more. That's not the point. The point is whether this is the kind of treatment Americans are okay with, as the employer of those who serve us all.

Prayers for everyone who illegally lost their jobs on Friday without cause and without notice. I hope the class action suit that is brewing is incredibly successful.

There is a right way to find efficiency and downsize where it is needed. Nobody I know is saying there isn't room for that or a need for that in many areas. But this isn't it.
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That typically requires paying the full cost out of pocket. And employers can charge an extra 2% to cover admin costs.
I do understand that, but that is what a savings account and having 3-6 months worth of your salary set aside for just this type of issues. I hope she finds a job quickly, but it seems there is more concern with a go fund me instead of asking if anyone knows of a job for her. I don’t see that anywhere in this original thread and I hate to say it, that would have changed things a lot for me. And to add to that it’s a $30,000 one, not just like 5-10,000 to get by.
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