Kenetrek Boots

Go to lure for trout in high country lake.

My advise would be to leave the baitcaster and pick up a fairly wand, I mean spinning rod/real;), with probably 4 lb. test to throw all the appropriately smaller sized baits suggested above.
Biggest cutthroat I ever caught in a wilderness lake was on a Zebco 33 and a black powerbait worm.

They aren't particular, just hungry. I've done well with a wooly bugger and a couple of bb weights as well. Just fish it like you would a spinner but with a slower retrieve.
Picked up a couple okuma avenger 30a's a while back. Looking at getting a telescopic pole to pair with it.
With the p/m and mepps, do you find yourself having to change colors often. Is there a color y'all feel is a catch all of you had to only have 1 or 2 colors?

2 Absolute favorite Panther Martin colors are the silver blade, yellow body with the red dots, and the Gold blade, black body with yellow dots. Carry a couple of those in the smaller sizes, a silver and gold Jakes Spin-a-lure (aka the money clip) and some gold and silver Thomas Cyclones. When all else fails, an 1/8th-1/4oz silver kastmaster.

Also, if the fish are primarially eating bugs, there are bobbers that allow you to cast flies. Bring a couple of them with a few elk hair caddis, and it's good fer what ails ya!
Will the power bait work of they are not stock fish?

You bet they will. Just don't let the snobby fly fisherman see you fishing with it. You might make them jealous with all the fish you're catching...
Often times trout in mountain lakes are willing to eat just about anything that happens in front of them that they think may contain calories...... Just think if you had to eat a year's worth of calories in 3-4 months.
2 Absolute favorite Panther Martin colors are the silver blade, yellow body with the red dots, and the Gold blade, black body with yellow dots. Carry a couple of those in the smaller sizes, a silver and gold Jakes Spin-a-lure (aka the money clip) and some gold and silver Thomas Cyclones. When all else fails, an 1/8th-1/4oz silver kastmaster.

Also, if the fish are primarially eating bugs, there are bobbers that allow you to cast flies. Bring a couple of them with a few elk hair caddis, and it's good fer what ails ya!

When I was a kid a nice old gentleman set me up with a casting bubble, leader and fly on the banks of Sprague lake in RMNP. That set up and a slow retrieve has proven to be money on most any mountain lake I've ever been on.
I've had good luck with spoons, red and white over silver. And in sizes much larger than you would think.
2 Absolute favorite Panther Martin colors are the silver blade, yellow body with the red dots, and the Gold blade, black body with yellow dots.

These two Panthers have worked for me going on four decades.
If I had to add another, it would be a jointed Rapala "J-7" in Rainbow pattern.
These have been my go to's for years. Not sure if you can still buy every pattern here.

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Recommend the Lil' Jake ( I prefer the gold w/red dots, but have had luck with the silver as well. Can usually fins them at Cabelas/Bass Pro/ Walmarts in CO.

Also +1 to fly and bubble. Our go-to for brook trout lakes is a royal coachman and as one mentioned, pistol petes are great for just about anything.
I hate to say it but don't forget the powerbait for lake fishing. I've seen rainbow glitter and captain America easily outfish any lure. It doesn't feel like the most sporting way to catch fish but I always throw it in the pack if I want a guaranteed dinner

I fish to eat. Do not need much to eat but this is why I fish so as long as allowed as bait and are allowed to keep fish, I want an ace in the hole as well is the spinner or Malibu is not getting the job done. Fish. Fire. Food. Good.
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