Go hunt draw odds?

I would also add that go hunt at least gives you comparative odds between units, even if they're not exact. I find that helpful in my state (nm) for ranking choices.
I agree. I have checked out TopRut and Huntinfool with my OnX membership and the draw odds are much harder to sift thru than on GoHunt.
Plus an almost complete lack of unit and state specific information that is available with one click on goHunt.
Side by side I actually like Top ruts odds tables better then go hunt.
I agree being able to sort I find much better. But i have used spreadsheets.

I feel like Gohunts draw information is a lot slicker in presentation but not necessarily any better and definitely not worth that much more money. When I looked at the odds you got between the two what I found was sometimes the numbers were different but they correlated in a way that wouldn't affect your draw strategy using either of them. If one said unit a was %40 and b was %60 the other might say %20/%30.
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