Go griz!!! & cats!

Gawd that Cat game was horrible... yuck.

Back to the Griz though...WOW! That poor Rennie didn't know what the hell to do..and at the end.. he was too sore to even go on. Sweet. I just hope McHURTY can keep up the antics and they can shut down Sam H.... I think the Griz offense will do fine against them...just gotta stop Their offense! Gonna be a dam good game.
I will never root for the Griz....I will pull for Carol to win...MT boys...but we recruit against the Griz...can't root for them ever!

Says a lot about a persons character I guess...... Ill bet you'd change your tune if you had a kid playing for them some day...

Part of the exact reason I've always rooted for the griz..........until recently, the bobcats would hardly even look at MT kids to play. Glad to see Ash is finally doing more MT recruiting but when you looked at Cat Griz rosters two, three, four, etc years ago.......look how many MT kids the Griz had. You could count on one or two fingers how many the Cats had.............

Anyway, GO GRIZZLIES!!!!!

I agree, that kind of statement takes douche-baggery to new heights....I'm all about the cat/griz banter, probably as much or more than anyone. But, I still support the Cats when they play teams other than the griz. In particular when in a play-off situation. Its good for the schools, conference, fans, business etc. to have ANY Montana schools represent the State.

I wonder how smart it is...to live in Montana, have a business in Montana, and then make a statement regarding a Montana team that you "cant root for them ever!'

Always makes good business sense, in particular on a hunting board. I mean, hunters dont know other hunters or anything.

Word travels fast in the hunting world...just sayin'.

Go Griz!
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Go CATs!!!


You must have been one of the guys booing at the Bobcat / New Hampshire game when the other team walked out of the locker room.........or booing when they announced the Griz were kicking the piss out of Cent . Ark.......

Well, while I was AT the game ROOTING for the BOBCATS, I was also rooting for our GRIZ. While everyone around me was booing, I was yelling up the good whooops!
Sure were a lot of people around me giving me the poopeye:D:D
I think so too...both teams have a powerful offense. I think the game will come down to who's defense shows up just enough to win. Its also going to be a close game I think.
I really think the Griz defense will take care of business...Sam H will score..NO DOUBT about that... but not as much as us! "i think"...hehehe
I really hope the Griz win this weekend... because there is nobody I'd like to beat more than them for a national championship. When I lived in Helena everyone was Griz crazy and I was bitter at the time that NDSU didn't get into the Big Fluffy conference. NDSU even owns a rare victory at Wash-Griz stadium.

Granted, we have one toughass game to win before thinking about Frisco. I only missed a couple of home games this year and if we make it that far I will be heading down to TX for a NC game.


I truly think the Grizzlies defense is far tougher than the Sam Houston defense. Offensively the teams match up pretty well. I see the score being a little further apart, I'm gonna go 31-21, and the Griz move on to the championship where they will be playing Georgia Southern.
griz 35 SH 28.Thats what i think. Go GRIZ.

About what I would imagine a score to be. Actually anything with Griz winning works for me.

Always enjoy tight games those gut twisting battles - AFTER the game... This is one where I would rather have Griz kick the snot out of SH rather then a tight game - Short Term wise.
A tight playoff game... Long term always the best memory... though DAMN, I'll be sure to unload my firearm(s) and have the TUMS with me... I get a feeling this may be a gut twister event.

Just to throw a score down... I'll go Griz 35 SH 31... Think Huntman as the ideal score locked though.
As a MSU grad (twice), I root for the Montana State Bobcats 1st, the Griz second. Once a year, it is easy to root for MSU over the Griz. Now that the Cats are out, I am 100% behind the Griz.

There are some great kids on that team, and it would be a great thing for our State to see them go all the way.

Go Griz!
As a MSU grad (twice), I root for the Montana State Bobcats 1st, the Griz second. Once a year, it is easy to root for MSU over the Griz. Now that the Cats are out, I am 100% behind the Griz.

There are some great kids on that team, and it would be a great thing for our State to see them go all the way.

Go Griz!

I do the same and to top it off I have to write checks to the UM to pay for my daughter's tuition, tough to do as a Bobcat :)

Hope the Griz keep playing like they have been and I think the game will be decided by a last second McNight field goal. Griz 27-SH 24


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