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go bosox

wooo hoooooo. yanks lost it by giving up 4 in a row....couldn't have happened to a better team :D Not that I am a sox fan, I just hate the yankees.
Is'nt this a great time of the year! Monday: MNF, Baseball, Tuesday: baseball, Wednsday: baseball and Lost (has anyone been following this new show?) And....Hunting aughhh, aughhh, aughh! Smell the testosorne!!!! Man my Wife can't wait for me to get my butt in that truck and go to Colorado and Chase some Elk!
I had a close friend who lived and breathed Baseball, he would come home, take a can of Copenhagan, put half a can in his front lip and filter a full can of beer through it and be buzzed for the whole game. He died a few years ago, go figure?
Yep draftstud, I have been watching Lost....missed last night though, had to do some things for my wife. Did you catch it? What was the deal? You can PM me if you want.
Lost is really getting good! As we left our intrepid group last night Jack had caught up to the man in the suit, it was his father who mistreated him growing up. Jack was in Australia to find his father, he was dead and Jack was taking him back for burial when the plane crashed. But...by following the figure of his dad, Jack was able to find a source for Drinking water, as they were running out! The hot chick who looks good in a thong was worried (works for me!) Fat boy was concerned about the pregnant Chick, Drug addict was a Goober, as usual. The man who was crippled, but now walks saved Jack from falling off a Cliff, and thinks the Island is Magic (whooooooooo!) Next week they're suppose to........................................
..but what about the thing that shook the trees so hard..????? What did that turn out to be? .. and please don't tell me it was that pig that the old man killed...

....I don't know what shakes the trees like that! but, If it isn't a big ol thunder lizard, I'm going to be mad. I think this show is going to be based on the following books: Lord of the Flies, The Island of Dr. Moreau and The Swiss family Robinson. How else do you explain a Polar Bear in the Pacific?....
Did they ever get back to what the hot chick did to get in trouble with the marshalls? Luckily I won't have to miss next week. I also thought it has some elements from Peter Benchley's (?) Amazon.

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